The Lardy Bikers Get Fit Fast Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Its surprising how much good a good long walk will do you. As long as its not along a short pier or a plank of course.
  2. Nah the andle would break.
  3. Hr on cycle first time in 4 weeks phew
  4. I have been supplied with the first week of a killer workout. I'm going to give it a bash starting from monday and I'll see how it goes. I'm expecting to be sick a lot.

    Currently waiting on a vocal list to de-code all this crazy cross fit jargon.

    I'll post it up when I have it.

    High Intensity Endurance Phase

    Baseline: Run 400m, then ROMdrills. Work up to 10 RM Back Squat.
    Strength: Back Squat - 10 reps @-5% of 10 RM, 10 reps @ -10% of 10 RM
    Stamina: Chipper, not timed: 50xback squat @ 50% 10 RM, 100x Barbell step ups (15in box), 800m Buddycarry.
    Work Capacity: Complete thefollowing for time...
    • 30x Thruster (75#/55#)
    • 3x rope climb (15ft)
    • 20x Thruster (75#/55#)
    • 2x rope climb (15ft)
    • 10x Thruster (75#/55#)
    • 1x rope climb (15ft)
    Durability: Run 3 miles @moderate pace. 3 Rounds: 20x Weighted sit ups (45#/25#), 10x Reversehypers (3-4 45# plates). 5 mins hip mobility drill.

    Baseline: Run 400m, then ROMdrills. Work up to 10 RM Push Press.
    Strength: Push Press - 10 reps @-5% of 10 RM, 10 reps @ -10% of 10 RM
    Stamina: 4 Rounds, not timed:20x Push press @ 50% 10 RM, 5x Weighted pull ups (AHAP)
    Work Capacity: Complete 15Rounds of the following...
    • 1x Power snatch + 5x Overhead squat
    • Rest 30 seconds
    • *Start off light and add weighteach round
    Durability: 15 Rounds: 30seconds max distance row, 30 seconds rest. 100x 4-Count flutterkicks, 100x superman’s. 5 minutes hip mobility drill.

    Baseline: ROM Drills. 20 minutesof grinder PT.
    Endurance: LSD run, bike, swim.
    Durability: Active stretch

    Baseline: Run 400m, then ROMdrills. Work up to 10 RM Deadlift.
    Strength: Deadlift - 10 reps @-5% of 10 RM, 10 reps @ -10% of 10 RM.
    Stamina: Chipper, not timed: 50xDeadlift @ 50% 10 RM, 75x Sumo deadlift high pull (75#/55#), 400mFarmers carry (55#/35# DB’s).
    Work Capacity: 50-35-20 repsof...
    • Wall ball (20#/12#)
    • Pull ups
    • Double unders
    Durability: 2 mile recovery run.1x max plank hold, 1x max wall sit. 5 minutes hip mobility drill.

    Baseline: Run 400m, then ROMDrills. Work up to 10 RM Bench press.
    Strength: Bench Press - 10 reps@ -5% of 10 RM, 10 reps @ -10% of 10 RM.
    Stamina: 5 Rounds, not timed:15x Bench Press @ 50% 10 RM, 20x Alternating arm DB bench press(35#/25#), 50m Overhead weighted walking lunge (45#/25# plate).
    Work Capacity: Complete as manyrounds as possible in 15 minutes of the following...
    • 10x KB swing (32kg/24kg)
    • 10x Box jump (24in/20in)
    • 10x Ring dips

    Durability: 3 Rounds - Row 500m,run 400m, 60 seconds rest. 50x toes 2 bar, 30x good mornings (45#). 5minutes box breathing and warrior yoga hip mobility drill.
    Baseline: ROM Drills. Run 400m,then 5 rounds of 5x pull ups, 10x push up, 15x air squat.
    Work Capacity: “Jared”.Complete 4 rounds for time of the following...
    • Run 800m
    • 40x pull ups
    • 70x push ups

    Durability: 30 minute tab if can(use most difficult terrain you have access to). 5 mins drill.
  5. Here is the key

    ROM = Range of Movement

    Chipper= it's a generally a long workout and you chip away at it that's all

    75# = lbs

    Hip mobility drill = something to loosen hips up

    Reverse Hyper = basically where you lie on your stomach and raise your torso and Arms and hold for two seconds.

    Push Press = with a barbell on the shoulders dip down a few inches and drive the weight overhead

    Power snatch = from the floor straight to overhead

    Supermans = same as reverse hyper but raise legs too

    Active Stretch= stretch but keep moving so like lunges hold for a few seconds and then move etc etc

    Sumo dead lift high pull = just do normal ones I can't explain it well without showing you

    farmer carry = farmer walks maybe? Grab two weights hold then and walk. Like the one you do to join the army with jerry cans.

    Wall Ball= probably won't be able to do this one but instead do a thruster.

    box breathing and warrior yoga hip mobility drill = some people say it works for them I don't too much so I just stretch my hips and work on tight places. Just stretch essentially.

    Jared is the name of the exercise
  6. I think Kope has hit the nail on the head.

    It's not hard to work out why most of us are overweight and we are all too impatient when we try to lose weight.

    Stupid diets are pathetic really.

    Whether your vice is booze, pies or chocolate ?......just cut down or stop and the weight will come off. Maybe not in a few weeks but definitely over several months. :smile:
  7. loosing weight and getting fit are 2 completely different things. studies show that in general a lot of exercise does not make people loose weight. It will burn energy but will trigger the needs for replenishement.

    do these 2 things one after the other : first loose weight, stabilise that weight ( i e find a feeding balance that no longer looses weight but doe not put it back on ) and then when stabilised , when your body is much better equipped to handle exercise , then get your overal physical condition up to increase indurance.

    imo : using fitness to loose weight is using your body when it is the worst state to do so. Fitness is also a great cause of injury . carrying 20KG to much and then jog will kill knees and ankles and will take a great toll on the heart.

    i lost my 22KG without walking 1 yard more than i did. Now that i am much slimmer , going for a walk or bicycleride start to look appealing...

    and yesterdaynight was DOC club night and i had my chippy and all the beer i wanted...

    i know that winter will Always put a couple of kilo's on ... and now im still on track for the rebound i expected ( ie from 88 to 91 kg max) and i am now looking forward to the first riding of the season. exactly what i needed to keep up the good work. With another 4kgs to be found easily when the weather will allow for more summer food than the much heavier wintergrub... :)
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  8. Kope can you provide links to this study that shows that exercise doesn't make you lose weight? It's complete tosh. You need to burn calories to lose weight and then restrict your calorie intact to a 'normal' amount to prevent excess calories being stored as fat.
    Eating well will help but doing exercise and eating well with be much better.

    Incorrect fitness is a cause of injury, but no one is asking anyone to do weighted runs with a body that isn't prepared for it.

    I'm sorry Koen, but I think your last post was entirely counter-productive to people who do want to lose weight. It suggests that significant weight can be lost without hard work and denies the enormous health benefits that come from regular exercise.
  9. I'v exercised all my life but for the last 12 years or so I'v been at least a stone and a half overweight.

    Because I'm now 50 I decided to up my game, so to speak. So I'm now exercising more and eating less !

    I'm still a big strong bastard but I'm also a bit of a fat bastard.:biggrin:

    However,the lard is starting to come off, slowly but surely ! :wink:
  10. According to what scale are you overweight? If you excess white fat then you have something to lose but you may not be 'overweight'.

    There are so many different body types, it's all about health and fitness rather than shape and size.

    If you have a bit of a gut but you can run 10 miles in an hour then you're obviously all good. I know plenty of bigger lads from my time in the forces that could easily keep up with a racing snake like me.
  11. Tom, i guess i did not make my point well. Of course keeping fit is a good thing. the point i was trying to make is that for people with a weight issue ( as i had for sure) they rarely do keep fit. as it is part of the reason why they got there in the first place. and the heavier you get, the less pleasurable the exercise becomes.

    the point i made is that for the unfit and badly eating ones ( those who need the change most) i have found that, for me, i got great results from doing one after the other and not at the same time. what you see is that most who want to loose weight do both at once . they go a crash diet ( salads and shakes onely ) and go jogging/gym .. With me , i found that it did not take the gym to loose those 22KGs. and that now i did loose them, i m at last in a shape that will allow me to either enjoy the exercise or keep me from injuring myself.

    my plea is for a stepped effort ( loose weight first, then start working on your overall condition) ...

    looking at htose weightloss hyperobese , i ve Always found it strange that on moment the talk to these people : ' you'll probably drop dead of massive heart failure within 2 weeks' and then you see these poor people doing a navy seal training course where they do look like they can drop dead any minute... :)

    i m sorry if i can't find the study but i'm sure i saw one that said that a slim person will probalby not get slimmer by doing lots of exercise..

    i checked with a sportsdoctor last week for the license for the 6h of Spa. all was fine , im in good shape overall but lack the endurance i could have as for a lack of exercise.. i know i will have to start making work of that shortly ... :) if only to keep the concentration up...
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  12. Kope, thanks for the clarification.

    I reckon they are probably correct that an already slim person would not get much slimmer through work outs, as that's what it is like for me. I didn't get this from your first post, but I do now understand :)

  13. When I stop eating crap I lose weight.

    So it's a bad diet thing with me !:wink:
  14. Maybe one of the ways to lose weight is to learn how to cook, just so long as you don't use these skills to bake cakes all the time.

    So many people eat so much processed dross and it is quite clear that this is what is making the nation (western world) fat. Cook up your own hyper tasty but reasonably healthy meals instead and you wouldn't get fat in the first place. And I don't mean trying to survive on the sniff of a lettuce.
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  15. Turns out if I wear a tight tshirt on a night out, only gays will be attracted to me.
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  16. The key is exercise. I eat ridiculous ammounts of rubbish food. Yesterday for example I eat a whole pizza, a 4 piece kfc meal, 5 pints of cider and a few other drinks, and half a packet of chocolate digestives. But I did go to the gym, even though I had a lucazade there too.
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  17. Sorry, thought it said 'LADY' bikers get fit fast!.......was hoping for some pictures.......slightly disappointed now!
  18. Had a big wedding in the last few days. so not lost any weight this week !

    Anyway, onwards and upwards :smile:

    See you in a few weeks :wink:

    Will be to busy working out to post :biggrin:
  19. and what is nice to add is that cooking can be done by anyone... :)
  20. It's not exactly rocket science is it?

    (More rocket, mixed spring shoots with a lemon and basil sauce science)
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