New 848 Multi?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by duke63, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. MCN seems to be saying there will be a smaller 848 version of the Multi next year though it might be called a Hypermotard Touring and be more based on the Hyper than the Multi.


  2. That's definitely more Hypermotard. I don't see an 848 Multi generating enough sales.
  3. 848 hyper would be a riot
  4. I'd buy that!
  5. I'd buy one if it had the mentality of a Hyper but with the ability to do some touring as well.
  6. screw the touring! I'd just want it to be bonkers.

    Gav went to Misano and back on a 998 so I guess you'd be able to do the same on this.
  7. I like the idea of an 848 multi, but only if it was a stripped down and lightened version. That'd be awesome. If it is to be a Hyper, then I'd imagine that the 848 engine wold probably suit it a bit better really.
  8. Thing that stops the Hyper from selling well is it's inability to do any distance because of the small tank and lack of any wind protection. Add in a bit of both and you would have a surefire sales winner, i reckon.
  9. I had a 22litre tank fitted to my 1100s and have toured on it - I love the bike as it now is but was very close to get rid of it, having to top up every 90 miles was really making me grumpy. It's now every 200, even when pressing on :)
  10. I often only see 120 ish between fill ups. I know the light is pessimistic, but that's still not great range. Mind you, that is based on twisty Scottish roads, which do mean you are accelerating hard all the time, but the old 748 still does 100 miles to a tank on the same roads...
  11. 100 miles to a tank on a 748? I can quite often get to 150 miles before the fuel light comes on on mine.
  12. It can get as low as 85 when really going for it. Even when commuting on it years ago though I rarely saw more than 125 before the light came on.
  13. The finish looks a little ropy. :smile:
  14. I get under a hundred on mine when the light comes on, I find the hyper bang on for the grin factor on the commute and have done some distance trips too, done around 10k In the last year :)
    Hyper with an 848 engine could be interesting
  15. Heres another shot off MCN...

    They claim insiders say there will be a hyper and a multi/hyper-tourer.

  16. Is the guy in the first pic due in court soon?....
  17. yes, for allowing a bike with such an ugly exhaust to be photographed. Shortly after this pic was taken, the second guy was arrested by the Milan Fashion Police for wearing a bum bag.
  18. A couple more pics from other angles




  19. Don't much like the exhaust!! :eek: :biggrin::biggrin:
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