Well then. You were correct in your assert action!... I must say though it is an offensive word... Never catch me using it!...:tongue::tongue:
On my stag night (the first one) I had sunk copious amounts of rum and blackcurrant; then started to walk (stagger) to where I was staying overnight.......... .........just got past Colchester North Station bridge and was violently sick......... .......for some unknown reason I tried to catch it. I went to the wedding the next day with pink arms and hands...........and the stain on the newly laid pavement was there for at least three years.
When i was a young lad, of 20, i spent the day/night at the pub, drank copious amounts of beer, and 21 Tequilla Slammers, was all good, could walk and talk and everything. Went outside to wait for my taxi, and thought "what the hell is that coming towards me?" It turns out it was the footpath, landed face first, broken nose, 2 black eyes, chipped tooth and swollen mouth and face. If only that was the end of the night, but alas, it wasn't.
No, not really, at the time I was thinking of another story that i told some one in confidence once, only for the piss to be taken severely on my next visit to the pub.
Climbed into the wrong bed one night, and started to have a fiddle with the girlfriend's mum. She threw me out, obviously, but I had a good few minutes' worth of rummaging before guilt got the better of her...She was a looker too, probably a good job she did stop me.
Feck me Fig, that looks painful!!... I too has been guilty of getting into the wrong bed, but not fiddling!!.. Very embarrassing it was. We laugh about it now, but it was a young 20 year old pissed up mistake getting into bed with my best mates mum!
I think you lot are all brave 'declaring' like this, been trying to think of one to include that isn't really sordid or incriminating.