Horizon looks good tonight - Mission to the red planet - 9 p.m.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. I'll watch that. Thanks. Lets give those commie martians hell!! Ack Ack!
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  2. Horizon was my favourite TV programme as a kid. These days it tends to be excellent, or painfully slow, with very little material strung out for an hour. Let's hope this is a good one :smile:
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  3. Hmm!... Will set that to record if its not already. I likes all the spce / Universe stuff! Especially Prof Brian Cox! Thanks for the heads up!
  4. Mmm

    Professor Cox, in the observatory with the telescope

    Ooh missis
  5. Coxy get on me pip a bit. There are better presenters. That bald chaps good. I prefer Maggie though. She's infectious.
  6. Oh dear! Is she well enough to work?
  7. Double bag?
  8. Things can only get better!
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  9. Well she fucked me when I was alive. Its the least I can do now she's dead. Its a hobby.
  10. I'd like it if actually took off then in 18 months time they called them to see them all fighting...in space....pissed off with each other....that would be awesome...
  11. They could just launch every Big Brother contestant
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  12. Or Davina McCall... Whinging bitch!
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  13. Ah, man, that's just cold.

    Wait. No, that's Davina.
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