I'm still waiting for climate change to give us a long hot sunny and dry summer. Its about time we had one because we have had every other single type of extreme weather in the past few years. Governments and the media have created a culture of blame blame and more blame. If something goes wrong it HAS to be someone's fault so they can be sacked. So who will be brave enough to tell God he is sacked for making it rain so much?
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I'm surprised nobody has mentioned HAARP yet, tin foil hats at the ready :biggrin:
all of the above and anything else that occurs... prevention is ultimately cheaper than trying to shut the floodgates after……see what i did there...
Bet there's some end of the world survivalists that had basements stocked with everything they'd need in the event of a nuclear winter , flesh eating pandemic or zombie apocalypse , and they've been fucked over by a biblical deluge.
It's pretty shocking that Fred Phelps, the head of "God Hates Fags", has been banned from Britain. Everyone knows that God hates fags - that's why he gives smokers cancer.