Rider to pillion intercoms

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by freshage, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Morning everyone, just a quick one, anyone got any experience with Scala sets?

    I'm looking at getting this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0046ECY50/?tag=ducatiforum-21

    It's main functions are chatting to the misses, listening to music/GPS navigation. On the same bike, I'm not interested in range as we will be on the same bike.

    I need it to work at motorway speeds, and both of us will have foam ear plugs in so it needs to be loud.

    We both have full face helmets.

    Any input or other suggestions would be great, I want to order today as we are riding to the MCN show this weekend so having comms on the way for that would be brilliant.

    Budget is £150
  2. Had two Scala Rider G4 for rider-pillion communications. Both were sent back. They're good for listening to GPS or the radio, but useless for rider to pillion. They wouldn't remain paired and the volume was very poor at motorway speeds. I'd really avoid and see if you could get a deal on a Starcom/Autocom at the show - but they aren't brilliant either. Better sound quality but more fiddly and likely to break, but at least you can have a conversation whilst it holds together.
  3. We have the sena system, great volumeand sound quality, brilliant battery life (Hampshire to Munich in one day and still going strong) the only downside is I can't get away from her (at least I could unplug the autocom wire)

    we we had autocom before and it is really good but I never got the phone volume issue sorted and the wires are a real pain in the backside when you want to get on and off quickly.
  4. Surely the point of having a bike is so that you don't have to listen to SWMBO? If she wants a piss then she taps you on the back of the lid, simples.
  5. You get what you pay for, found out the hard way.
    Autocom is brilliant....look for 2nd hand set if your budget doesn't cover new.
    I now have the BMW system, also great & wireless.
  6. On a long ride it's nice to be able to have a conversation! Plus, on our last Euro tour, the intercom broke on the Paris - Calais motorway, which is the most boring road on the planet! It would have broken up the monotony of the day.
  7. Have a Scala G9 which I've used on Eurohoons on the 1098R with friends on the intercom. Even with open 70mm Termis, the Scala is plenty loud enough when using those yellow foam earplugs. We had 4 Scalas linked up on the intercom, and when riding at speed through the Pyrenees, they were perfect in operation. Fully charged, the Scalas lasted the whole day. Highly recommended.
  8. What's the volume like 70mph plus on motorways?
  9. Plenty loud enough to cut through the earplugs, wind noise, and Termis at 3 figures. The Scala is known for being one of the loudest on the market.
  10. Good, my hearing isn't the best as it is!
  11. Bit cheeky Freshage, I'm just about to sell my Scala rider Q1 team set if ur interested, bought it last month but just bought a couple of Schuberth lids n systems for me n the missus. Asking £150 incl postage if ur interested?

  12. Ah sods law! I recently bought the Scala rider pro set for the same price. Thanks though mate.
  13. No worries
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