I suggest he doesn't attend unlawful demos in future. Then he won't have to face coppers at play. He's as stupid as the cops are annoying.
Sounds like the plod misheard tea as 2, but why the hell did the tit with the camera decline a breath test if he hadn't been drinking? He made it much worse for himself.
Nothing was misheard, the plod just got fed up with him, so decided to ruin his day. Think I'd have done the same thing to be honest.
Is he a copper or a PCSO? He's a toss pot with issues whatever he is. And how stupid is he to lie with a camera in his face. I'd love to see that played in court.
I used to get hassle from a copper a few years back, I had a Cosworth in my early 20's and he loved to pull me over at every opportunity. This stopped after walking to the local shop one day, when I saw him mowing his lawn. He lived about 4 streets away, unknown to me. The look on his face was a picture and he never pulled me again. They certainly don't like it if you know where they live. There are good cops and bad cops, this jumped up little bully was definitley the latter.
Can you not see what is going on in the vid? It's clear the guy with the camera has made a nuisance of himself- we don't get to see why, obviously, cos it's the guy with the camera who's edited the clip. All that happens is the first plod has lost his rag with the idiot poking a camera in his face. Tell me you wouldn't feel the same...
Of course you'd feel annoyed. But it's what he did about it that was wrong. And on camera too, has he never watched youtube.
The copper was chuckling to himself I'm sure, and so were his two accomplices; they knew what he was up to. It doesn't say whether the guy actually got arrested, but I'm suspecting at worse he got taken to the station and given a sound telling off. The whole thing looks to me like a fairly gentle way of telling the bloke to eff off out of the way.
The Daily Fail had some good pictures! Father 'wrongly' arrested by police at anti-fracking protest over 'trumped-up' drink drive claims even though he 'only drunk a cup of tea and his car was not in sight' | Mail Online
I take my hat off to the guy for calming and politely stating his case against some pretty nasty policing. That the Sergeant thought he could blatantly act in that way to someone who is so evidently a law abiding citizen is very disappointing and I hope he gets to learn he made a mistake. After Plebgate it really looks like some bad apples are not helping the public view of our police force. I have to say that my own impression of the Police has always been good and I would always look to support them. This though is of concern isn't it? What would have happened if the innocent observer had been less tolerant? Maybe the breathaliser result would have been "positive" before he even blew.....
Reading the article, no car was in sight and nor could they prove he drove anyway. Damn right he should refuse a breath test. And even if he failed what would they have done him for, being drunk in charge of a camcorder?!
Really? You can work this out from one little video clip? What you see before you is not coppers being nasty, it's coppers getting fed up with a bloke who's made a proper nuisance of himself. Obviously the whole scenario is not available, this is because the camera belongs to the 'victim', and he only wants you to see what favours him. Had the exact same camera been at the exact same scene, but been in the hands of the plod, you'd see a very different story emerge. All I can see here is a cop getting pissed off with an irritating bloke.
Take a look at the Mail Online article and when you see a photo of the guy you may understand why I formed that opinion; He even has a helmet labelled "Lawful Observer" The father-of-four, who has a doctorate in metaphysical sciences, accused Greater Manchester Police officers of lying before holding him on 'a ridiculous, trumped-up charge'. He was later charged with failing to provide a specimen and hauled before the courts. However, the case collapsed when prosecutors offered no evidence. Dr Peers is now planning to sue police for wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and assault following the incident. Agreed that he's really annoying but think the Police should have handled the situation better. He is taking them to court so this one will run and run....
Not at all, but you seem to think that fabricating a pack of lies because he was annoyed, doesn't make him a bad copper either. Where does he stop? Falsely accusing a motorcyclist of speeding because motorcyclists annoy him. Accusing someone of assaulting him because he doesn't like the colour of their skin? The police should be beyond reproach. This scum bag has issues and 'little man syndrome' in spades.
The police are human (well, some of 'em). I suggest the good doctor is not as innocent as he pretends to be.
I guess as a relatively law-abiding pensioner I should support the law but sadly the attitude shown by the PC in that clip seems all too common and the fact that they are prepared to fabricate evidence against someone as important as an MP does not exactly instill confidence. The fact that we now have a Police Force rather than a Police Service should make you think!
The only clear message this video gives to me is that the bloke was being a pain in the arse, otherwise the copper wouldn't have bothered with him.
That video is not great for public trust in the police which is essential for them to do there job surely. All the guy is doing is filming and gets physically thrown to the floor by one officer.Bit over the top that but what follows is not exactly what you expect of a BRITISH police officer. So next time I see someone with a camcorder id don't like or find annoying can I throw him on the floor before making some bullshit up about him commiting a offense. The guy is clearly abusing his position as a police officer and hiding behind a uniform for protection.If someone that was not a police officer assaulted you and then tried to make a citizens arrest on you for some trumped up charge I know how id react and im sure you folks would be non to pleased either. Good on the legal observer for keeping his cool unlike some of the so called professionals.The two cops that joined later seemed more proffesional.They even explained his rights and that refusing a test would lead to him being arrested.