Hope none of you Guys and Gals are flooded out. I am sure somebody off here must be affected. Hope you get sorted soon best wishes and good luck.
Not sure about Chertsey now.....Hope he is going to avoid any problems..... I can tell you it isn't nice being flooded.............it doesn't finish when the water has gone.............and you are under extreme stress every time it rains long after the house is fixed up......... Mine was caused by lack of maintenance of ditches and culverts (Local Authority Highways and the EA......which the insurance company weren't prepared to tackle)........I was determined that it wouldn't occur again, so I spent £35K protecting the property once I had worked out what was needed.
have to go from Folkstone to Derby next trursday to pich the bike up.. am i supposed to get in trouble? and then to Winchester . any motorways flooded? thanks
You'll be ok by next Thursday, now Etons playing fields are flooded money is no object so it will get sorted. OGR
I live in Egham! Runneymede is underwater - that's the bit that is on the news - and Wraysbury which is right next door. The water needs to rise another few inches before it gets to Egham High Street....but thankfully they are expecting a month's rain in the next few days....deep joy.... No bloody sand bags...
Must be awful. I suppose you can protect a few possessions by taking them upstairs. Imagine the agony of slowly watching your Ducati become a victim to the rising water.
ah yes forgotten about that tbh I think its just caused by not enough virgins being sacrificed on the levels in 2013 seriously feel for anyone who has been affected - my mums cellar flooded with only a couple of inches a few years ago it was soul destroying , a life times work of architectural drawings destroyed
I live on the Severn Estuary, we have a dirty great big sea defence wall protecting the Village and a smaller bank protecting the outlaying areas. We have had several flood warnings over the last few weeks, luckily none of them have come to anything serious but it makes your bum pucker when you can see the waves overtopping the wall! This was the morning following the last big storm, it was taken at high tide, normally there is a 80+m width of wetland there.
That's the A217, just past the BP where the Chinese takeaway is. They specialise in sea food so all good. Where should I put the tax disc?