Oh well that's alright then! Stick him on a trumped up charge for DUI because he was being annoying! FFS.
No I bloody ain't My view of the police has changed in recent years, and not for the better. But in this instance I totally understand the cop's attitude.
the charge was failure to provide a sample when requested not DUI, he did refuse to provide a sample, if he had provided a sample and proved to have no alcohol in his system THERE WOULD BE NO CHARGE! FFS he created this situation himself by deliberately putting himself in the way and not moving on with the rest of the protest because he had taken it upon himself to document (i.e. selectively edit footage) police brutality, I'm not saying the copper was right to push him (if it had been my brother he would have probably 'fallen down the stairs in the station' but thats why he's not a copper anymore) and the copper should have come up with a better way of shifting him on but he was clearly getting frustrated with the jumped up prick. The Copper is clearly at fault for making up a drinking excuse but the good Dr is by no means an innocent party!
So in your mind, who is worse: the Doctor for "putting himself in the way" or the Policeman for making false accusations?
Both where a pair of pricks, but, and it's a big but........only one was acting illegally. And that was PC Nob. Dr Doogooder was acting in a legal manner, albeit in a irritating manner. PC Nob was bullying and fell for it hook line and sinker then dug himself further in with trumped up charges. A very interesting study in human behaviour indeed. Stess and pressure can be contributing factors to his actions, as can being a bully and only being a PC so he can push people around. Cock.
Neither, they both need a slap! joking aside it wasn't just getting in the way was he? he was being deliberately obstructive and antagonistic to get a response then was either too stupid to take the moral high ground (i.e. take the breathalyser and prove them wrong) or wanted to try and push it as far as he could to get a bigger response. Anyone who turns up to a protest where tensions are running so high with a camera and wearing a helmet with 'lawful observer' on it is clearly there to try and catch someone out. Lets be honest he wasn't there to 'lawfully observe' the protesters was he? I loathe and detest people who go to these events with the sole purpose of trying to catch someone out, its attention seeking of the worst kind. As for who is worse, someone lieing or someone deliberately trying to get someone else to do something wrong? That's a tough call...
At last, someone else who can see sense. The good doctor may have plans to sue the police, but I hope he's well-heeled, it's gonna cost him to do so, and I don't see him winning.
Did that guy who was stood on a street corner couple of years ago and didn't move during a protest. Which he was not part of, who was then shoved and collapsed and died, deservedly so then? He was probably annoying too. Or someone who opposes the state, we can make up charges, whisk them away and lock them up because they dont agree then? gotta love this country if thats how some feel it should be run
Or perhaps he wasn't quite as innocent as he was made out to be... In this case, bradders, if you find yourself pushing to the front of a demo while wearing a video camera strapped to your helmet...would you expect the sweeney to consider you as innocent..?
Are you seriously comparing a deliberate agitator refusing to give a breath sample in order to provoke a reaction (whether the copper made up the drinking allogation or not that was the charge) to the tragic death of an innocent bystander? Holy unrelated subject Batman! They aren't even remotely the same situation! Why not compare the copper to Fred West? He made up a minor charge which would clearly not stick (and he knew that too) to try and get rid of an agitator so he clearly must have other 'lawful observers' buried under his patio... What i can't understand is how people can't see that the copper was just trying to get rid of a troublemaker who was refusing to rejoin the protest, the drink driving charge was never going to stick (unless he had been drinking, we don't know because he refused to give a sample and the video isn't smellovision). They weren't trying to 'stitch him up' and if he had given a sample that would have been the end of it. But no, he gave them no choice as it was all being recorded, they had to go through with the paperwork knowing full well it would be thrown out. Then lo and behold the video gets uploaded to youtube, this little twat goes moaning to the papers for his 15 minutes of fame and we have people claiming we live in Nazi Germany My grandad was Ukranian, he fought for the resistance against the Soviet invasion between WW1 and WW2, if you want to know what oppression is try looking into the subject, it certainly isn't being falsely accused of drink driving, especially when there is an easy moral high ground option to be taken to avoid the situation...
I was left thinking how Police standards have dropped over the past decade or two. This guy should never have made a PC never mind a Sergeant. I too initially thought that he was a gob shite Pcso. When I realised he was a Sergeant I was left wondering what had actually happened with today's Police service. The entire recruitment procedure went through some drastic changes in the early-mid nineties and as far as I am concerned it went down hill from that point. The accused has a video camera pointing in this SGT's face yet he continues to essentially prove what an incompetent arsehole he is. Its quite shocking for me and leaves a lot to be desired.
Maybe Obstructing a Police officer would have been a better bet than a suspected drink driver to simply remove the guy from the situation.
I understand there are some trouble makers about a demo's but surely they have the same rights as all of us.Ie to be treated fairly and correctly by the law and those upholding it. Im all for people filming at demos as it keeps police in check.Police also film at these events for evidence and hopefuly if you see you are being filmed you behave yourself. All I saw in that video is him observing at demonstrator being arrested with his camcorder.Probably lost focus of line moving back maybe as concentrating on arrest.The reason I say this is when he gets thrown to the floor he clearly looks around realises everyones moved back and asks politely.'Can I rejoin the line please' twice. What worries me is if this goes unchecked then it will be one of us next time or maybe a family member (maybe we are protesting against new bike legislation etc) and I doubt people would support the police officer if this was there father,brother or son being thrown to the floor and then bullied in an attempt to get him to admit something he has not done ie drink driving this time. You wouldn't want to annoy that police officer if there was a terrorist incident.You might end up like the Birmingham six.