It is absolutely vile out at the moment high winds and torrential rain.I feel very sorry for those people suffering with floods.Weather so bad I went and picked up Mrs Mervyn from work.A few more points to get me back in favour. I reckon with some nice flowers for her on friday I might end up in credit.
Remember Brownie points do not last as long as you think. Furthermore the value of them in our minds are a lot less than what is given. Plus any mess up after accruing a substantial number, ie 2pts will see them wiped and and you will be placed into negative equity with regards to brownie points. The only way to stay in credit at all is to die and leave her lots of money for shoes.
Yes,I know what you mean about getting into the negative equity Browny points.Did that last week,so had to rush out and buy Mrs Mervyn a dozen red roses.That seemed to help as a quick fix.
Well,I am hoping for a test ride on the new retro BMW due out in March,and the new monster as well.Mrs Mervyn has been very carefully led up the 'these would be more sensible bikes for an infirm old git like me'.But I did promise my SF would be sold. For now I will be the perfect husband and will view bike porn in private. I have sorted out card and flowers for friday and will probably cook a nice dinner for us.That should take my Browny points well into credit.:wink:
A Dozen red roses = 0.083 brownie points, however their decay rate is proportional to the inverse relationship between the size she thinks she is divided by the size she actually is. The size she thinks she is must be averaged across a number of shops of her choosing.
Mrs Mervyn is not to bad on the shopping sprees.However my daughter could shop for England.from the age of about 16-18 when she still lived at home I was the one chosen by her,to accompany her on shopping trips.Possibly because I was a soft touch when it came to supplying the funds.Mrs Mervyn is very careful with most spending,but she does love motorcycles.
sometime I wonder if there is any hope at all any ,,,,,,,,,,,,, hope ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, at ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,allllll for the future of mankind
Mrs Mervyn reckons that when she receives roses from me it takes her eye off the ball and I can look at whatever motorcycles I want to.There you have it-we are not doomed after all.:wink:
now you see I'd rather be given a nice climber rose and have someone plant it for me in the garden it makes dead heading so much more enjoyable
You see, I never bother with the brownie points - That woman who hangs about my house is given a choice however! Choice 1: Chicken wing if she doesn't stop moaning Choice 2: Kicked in the guts and chucked down the stairs! You lot had better man the feck up!! :tongue: