and there was everyone banging on about Valentino

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. I always suspected.
  2. I've met her a few times, don't get why this is even news. Who cares about her sexuality, she's a great female footballer and that is the main thing she is known for. This whole "coming out" rubbish sets diversity and equal rights back if you ask me. I don't make a statement I'm white, black or straight so the implication gay people publicising their sexuality is good reinforces archaic values IMHO.
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  3. Jesus. Who gives a toss what people do in their bedroom?

    If you want to smear it in Marmite or dress up in plastic bag, it's your affair. Why would anyone care about anyone's turn-ons? God knows they're probably weird enough for most people.
  4. Think the point is being missed. This gives confidence to those who hold it hack as a secret for fear of being treated different in the dressing room.
  5. So there's a hoof in the dressing room?

    There are mixed saunas in Holland.
  6. And legalised prostitution too. Like where you're coming from :upyeah:
  7. womens football is full of lesbians.
  8. Why do gay people continuously feel they have to 'come out'
    Like whos really that fu**ing interested

    just live your lives gay people and leave me in peace
    I dont need to know what you eat for supper
  9. I cannot see why anybody is interested, I don't suppose they have team baths. If they do what's the chance of getting a peek :)
  10. Brilliant ! , if it wasn't for all them Butch Barbies burnin of testosterone there wouldn't be womens rugby ,course its full of rug munchers ... DOH ! :biggrin:
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  11. So she dives on and off field eh?
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