Thinking of adding a few more bits to the Panigale, came across carbon fibre fever on Ebay. Anyone used them, they say the quality is as DP stuff which I have some parts at present on the bike. Don't want to buy any if its a mis match etc for what I have already.
Oh no!, not you aswell, I think something must be in the water, I too am getting urges to buy carbon fibre!. I was hoping you were going to be all sensible and say the Panigale is a beautiful bike just the way it is and there is no need for things like carbon fibre!. I don't smoke but I imagine cigarettes work on the same principle as buying carbon fibre. It starts with just one which then leads to another and before you know what happened you're addicted and chuffing away like a chimney, the postman needs a bigger van and hates you and your bike's so light with carbon you have to tether it down!. Best job is not to start in the first place.................but I already have!!!!.
Joking aside, I can't comment on Carbon Fibre Fever but the weave looks the same as DP stuff. I've bought from 'Moto.Itaila' on ebay and can say the quality is great and the weave is an exact match for the DP carbon and good value. Check out their stuff. 1199 PANIGALE 100% CARBON FIBRE SHOCK GUARD SATIN FINISH AUTOCLAVED | eBay
Only tweaks I think it needs is the tail tidy and ditching the god awful plastic exhaust and engine covers!!!
I don't have a link, I just searched for panigale carbon and clicked on a few items and they came up.
I actually logged on today so that I could start a thread on carbon fibre fever. I seen the stuff last night and wondered what the quality was like. I've got the 1299S and want to buy some bits, especially an exhaust cover as that looks really wank and would like something as close to the DP front mudguard as possible.
It looks good but hard to gauge the quality from pictures and alot of rubbish out there with bad fitting. Ideally would be good to get some first had review from people who have bought from Carbon Fibre Fever