What you palnned for valentines?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. As I work in hospitality I can tell you now most of restaurants care less for what they cook on valentines as they aim at bigger turn over, that includes posh places. As such I believe it is not worth going out on this day unless you go to very expensive 5* places.

    I will admit my first idea was to lie my way out of today but then though it would be to easy.

    As a result (go to often to those 5* places due to work) I made an effort, beat that:

    Step 1:
    Step 1.jpg

    Step 2:
    Step 2.jpg

    Step 3:
    Step 3.jpg

    Obviously I got a backup just in case there is a disaster on any of above steps or if cup-cakes decide to all jump to my mouth:

    Now obviously I did bit more. Got some Dulce de Leche from Argentinian shop (should have done it yesterday when it was dry as 30 miles through London in this rain was silly).

    Steak is getting close and personal with onion now, salad is chilling, vodka is cold and need to buy OJ then I am done and ready to jump to bed to relax .... and test the bed. :p

    Step 1.jpg

    Step 2.jpg

    Step 3.jpg

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  2. All that for a leg over?!...
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  3. Dude I will eat most of those sweets :) There was 12 cup-cakes when I started.....
  4. Nice one Luca :)
  5. those cup cakes need a drizzle of J.D.
  6. you could'a cleaned the baking tray
  7. That's his oil tray :wink:
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  8. Its people like Lucz that gives us useless guys a worse name. :biggrin: Damn him. :biggrin:
  9. I don't need to buy Mrs Plug flowers. I gave her 4 rose bushes years ago,she's had loads off them. :smile:
  10. I got choccies - I'm concerned however as I'm expected to share :sad:
  11. Well I am in A&3 now..... O:)
  12. is that A & E ?
  13. Just made love to the one I love the most.

    Quick wank!! :upyeah:
  14. Yep A & E
  15. :eek: Dry Thrust??? :wink:
  16. It would have a been a lot less hassle than cooking if you just got her a store card for Ann Summers, a win win all around :upyeah:
  17. :smile:
  18. Vacuum cleaner accident? :wink:
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  19. lucs you are a dirty boy.
  20. What have you got planned for valentines?

    Ah, that's why we're on radio silence this morning!

    I'll have to make it up next year.
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