
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Borgo Panigale, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Once you notice just how many people now start everything they say with the word, 'So', you'll wonder how this new all pervading nonsense happened. Whether they're answering a question or making a statement - the first word they chuck out is, 'So'.....

    "So, what are you doing at the weekend?" - "So, after I do the shopping, I'll ride my bike - why?" - "So, I was just asking"

    So, fucking stop it!
  2. so whose upset you?
  3. Sew, I was watching this knitting programme!... :smile:
  4. So your point is?
  5. So, I'm getting sick of this already!
  6. you so'd the seed. teehee.
  7. So, whats yr wife doing later, can i take her for a spin on my bike yeh?

    Now we opened another can of worms, people who say yeah, at the end of everything, normally YOUNG people
  8. So what really gets my goat, yeah, is people ending a sentence with an uplift and a question mark?
  9. So, at my work EVERYONE does it. So, I guess it gets stuck in your head. So is the new Umm....
    • Like Like x 1
  10. I thought every sentence these days started with "Basically"
  11. So basically, hmm, see what you mean ...
  12. Sew........a needle pulling thread :smile:
  13. So, like, basically right, there was this thing yeah?

    Vicki Pollard
  14. i blame Julie Andrews.
  15. So basically, let me be absolutely clear, you don't actually like the use of the word 'so', which is the right thing to do.
  16. "So" is just a fill-in word in place of "er". It doesn't bother me.

    I get more annoyed by the use of "yeah" in sentences as they go along. This is a word which is implicitly requiring my agreement in what is being said and is a way speakers have of trying to dominate the person they are talking to (at). It's an attempt at verbal bullying.

    The use of rising inflection (in an Australian stylee) at the end of statements also seeks approbation for what is being said, but it denotes lack of conviction in the speaker and thus weakness.
  17. yeah whatever. teehee.
  18. Don't get me started on this

    Too late

    Personal hates are the over use of phrases like
    'do you know what I mean'
    'carnt' when it is 'cant'
    'brought' when it is 'bought'
    'break' when it is 'brake'

    and people who don't know the correct use of the words 'there, their and there are (they're)

    To name just a few ......... and breathe :rolleyes:
  19. And the weather presenter speak....... "Liddell bidder rain" / "the white stuff" / "clear slots"
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