This nylon washer was near my bike after its recent frame off experience. I cannot find any where that looks like it could have come from. It may have come off the bike, I can't be 100% sure, but its nice and clean like the rest of the bike (and unlike most of the rest of the crap in my garage ). As can be seen it has a chamfer both sides, one inner one outer. Anyone know what it is and where it goes ? I thought it might have come off of my abba stand, but it doesn't seem to fit that either. All answers gratefully received, especially if they are sensible :biggrin: Cheers, John.
I have no idea what they look like but there are 2 spacers at the suspension top mount that might be around that size. Items 8 in this picture from the parts list -
Hmm, now that is interesting Derek, and it could be that as tyhe shock has been off for its stronger spring to be fitted. I will investigate Odd though, because I'm sure my 2010 didn't have any nylon spacers in there... The parts pic is for an abs non ohlins bike, do you have the pic for the ohlins sport/touring one ? 2010 to 2012 should be the same in this area I assume...
Just had a look at my 2013 with std suspension and I cannot see any nylon spacers at the swing arm end.
OK - this may sound (incredibly) stupid, but it isn't off your tax disc holder is it? Mine has a spaced just like that inside the hole that the fixing bolt goes through, and if it was attached to the area of the bike you stipped it could be the culprit?
Buy that man a beer !! Derek you were spot on, it was indeed off the rose joint at the top of the damper. The rose joint has a metal top has bush each side, that has these on it too. They stop the damper from twisting too much. I remember now that One of these top hats fell out when I put the damper back on, and clearly I didnt see the nylon bush fall off it too. Its now fitted again :biggrin: Its always nice to not have any bits left over after you put the bike back together :biggrin: SPL, I know what you mean as I took my tax disc holder off. This is much larger though, and without the lip the tax disc holder bush has. Thanks for the thought though.