cyclist death

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducati2242, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. I cycle to work using a combination of minor roads, pavement and cycle tracks. The direct route is a dual carriageway, but I wouldn't dream of using it.

    I've seen loads of cyclists on it and it's frightening. It's only a matter of time before one gets hit. I also see a lot of cyclists with no rear lights which again is nuts.
  2. I ride to work using a duel carriageway. I was under the impression, road users are supposed to watch where they are driving!
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  3. Well in this case he did see him but couldn't slow down enough to avoid him and couldn't get into the overtaking lane because of other traffic.
    There should be a minimum speed limit on dual carriageways 70 mph and bicycles don't mix.
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  4. We all know they are, so there should be no collisions on the road whatsoever. However in the real world, I prefer to minimise the risks to an acceptable level. Cycling on a dual carriageway with a speed differential of potentially 70moh is a risk I'm not willing to take.
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  5. Cyclist killed on A19 last year. Not enough money in the world for me to take a pushbike on that road. Bad enough in a car or on a motorcycle that can fit in with the flow of traffic.
    Whilst drivers should watch where they are going :rolleyes:, some things just don't mix on 70mph roads.
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  6. I agree.
  7. Blind crests, no signs of risk i.e. parking spots, tight verges and lorries inside lane with cars streaming past outside don't fit with cycling or pedestrians. A34 typical example
  8. I cycle to work 15 miles everyday. The deaths statistics are getting higher and higher, but to be honest a lot od cyclists really should not be on the road, the highway code means nothing to them, I mean I have a full motorcycle licence so when I went out cycling on the road that helped me a lot. But everyday I see cyclists with no visible gear, no lights or helmets, running the red light, getting on the inside of lorries and buses, that's a death trap.

    I think something needs to be done. Some sort of basic compulsory training for cyclists maybe.

    Regarding cycling on dual carriageway. F**k that! Don't do it, perfectly legal yes, but If you get hit, it easily could be fatal.

    Be safe out there folks :)
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  9. Yep, it's the A19 that I drive to work on, yet wouldn't dream of cycling on. From the Tyne Tunnel to Sunderland.

    I see a cyclist on it once every week or 2 and I cringe every time. The crazy thing is that there's a dedicated cycleway running adjacent to the road. :rolleyes:

    I was on my scoother this morning travelling to work and passed 2 cyclists (not on the A19). The 1st was all in black with no lights, the 2nd had a very dim real light and one flourescent strip on his back pack. I know of 3 cyclist fatalities outside my place of work in the last 5 years or so, it's no wonder. :frown:
  10. Really easy one IMO ban bicycles from the roads problem solved
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  11. Be careful what you wish for. I was watching 'Police Interceptors' last night. They came out with a statistic that motorcyclists make up 1% of the traffic on Lincolnshore's roads, yet account for 25% of all road fatalaties. That's a very strong argument to ban motorcycling.
  12. I have often noticed cyclists riding on the main road even though there is a cycle path provided adjoining, e.g. on the Canning Town flyover & Lea bridge. Why would they do that? I just cannot think of any explanation (apart from sheer idiocy, obviously).
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  13. You are totally correct, but being dead/injured and in the right is not much comfort for those left to pick up the pieces. Just my view when cycling or riding the motorbike..
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  14. On a similar note where i work we have seperate paths to seperate pedestrians from forklifts and pedestrian doors next to roller doors all fully signed and everyone has been trained to use them but will they like hell, Doesn't matter how many times you give some people a bollocking it will not sink in. Sorry to say but some people are just to dumb or lazy or both to realise the danger to themselves or heartache to others that there actions cause.
  15. Cyclists are effectively pedestrians and should not be allowed on dual carriageways, the speed difference is just too great,
  16. You are correct, drivers should indeed watch where they are going. But this will be of scant consolation if you get swatted by a 30 ton Scannia. Tip:- stay the fuck off busy roads whenever possible..... I cycle a lot for training purposes but feel very vulnerable (and mildly scared) if I mistakenly end up on a busy road.
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  17. Simple really, it's all about other dangers for me. Pretty much all cycle paths result in additional junctions, loss of right of way, entrances to petrol stations etc.

    I am however continually dismayed by some of the standard of the cycling I see and even more dismayed by the lack of decent (or sometimes any) lights.........idiotic when LEDS are cheap as chips to run these days.
  18. The surface on cycle paths can be a bit shit with a risk of puncture. Fine for mountain bikes but if your on a carbon road steed running 130psi front and rear, you can make much quicker progress on the adjacent smooth road. I'm not saying its right its just so you know.
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  19. yeah but how many of those fatalities are the fault of the motorcyclists ? I think its a strong case for banning every other bugger:tongue:.
    Thing is ( for me) a bit jeckle and hyde , on one hand I see Mums and dads with kids, which is fine because they tend to be very self preserving , sensible ,non invasive , and I like to see them out having fun, on the other hand I see these arrogant ,ignorant faggoty arsed cnuts in their spandex homo suits buzz bombing other ( real ) road users....................... and this is the thing , I have spoken to some of these guys and they ( mostly ) seem like normal , civilised , nice people.....................till they get on a sweatwheel. I think they should be banned from main ( read busy ) roads , like any road where the speed limit is over 50k/h
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