C'mon Team GB!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. Go on then, tell us all about it! (You're dying to - eh?). :tongue:

    Maybe I should start a thread entitled "So, what has Yorkshire ever done for us?".
    #61 Wrecked, Feb 20, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2014
  2. Yorkshire finished up with seven gold medals, two silver and three bronzes, placing it twelfth in the medal table if regarded as an independent country............. as it should be. :wink:

  3. So, do you want to be the leader of the Yorks. Nationalist Party? - are you quallified/grumpy enough?
  4. Qualified? Not sure.

    Grumpy enough? Most definitely :biggrin:
  5. and funding its own olympic athletes.....?

    i am sure someone made a similar point re scotland recently - who, escapes me...... funding sourced from the offshore Yorkshire Tea fields....?

    and afore ye lambast me as a York-o - phile, its my home county.....

  6. nice to see England is starting to get engaged in the debate.
  7. Shouldn't that read, tight?
  8. a 'mass' one...?
  9. regret thinking it all ready. :smile:
  10. Anyway, Team GB...

    Sound like it was dreamed up by some poncy marketing agency for a soft cuddly wuddly client and charged them a fortune for the privilege.
  11. and the curling captains pretty.
  12. dare one ask, which team - mens or ladeez?
  13. you choose. :wink:
  14. Anyway.... Team GB.....

    now equals best ever medal performance in Winter Olympics, 4 medals in Chamonix, 1920.

    lets hope its not another 90 years before we get even better.....
  15. Did you see the Russian women's curling team Skip? Stunning!!

  16. the eastern block does have the edge on looks.
  17. ... unless of course the East Riding is regarded as being independent from the rest of Yorkshire ... and Hull as independent of ... blah blah blah
  18. I get the impression you're not to keen on devolution, Pete, or powers being held locally.

    I am interested to know why, assuming I am right.
  19. Which it's not.
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