Cheers boss, its always nice to receive compliments. My full time job is NHS database project manager, and at weekends, I run the DVLA. No problems there then, my skills speak for themselves.
Its simple really. Folk in England go with Andy Murray wins = British Andy Murray loses = Scottish Its therefore only natural that we go with Andy Murray wins = Scottish Andy Murray loses = British
Not true. This is just your view of the world. You wear your badge of insularity like an Olympic gold medal.
On a personal level I lived In London for 14 years. On a national level I would suggest that a nation which wishes to engage with the rest of the world on an equal basis is outward looking not insular. On the other hand, a nation which hides behind another, does not take responsibility for itself....that is insular Have a look round this forum, any forum, and you will find Andy Murrays nationality changes
Here you go Feck knows what being Scottish is though ;-)
the important question is what the scots think, not the rest of the uk. if your passionate about nationality it will only wear you down.