C'mon Team GB!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. ^^^^^ Good/enthusiastic uploading skills :tongue:

  2. Cheers boss, its always nice to receive compliments. My full time job is NHS database project manager, and at weekends, I run the DVLA. No problems there then, my skills speak for themselves.:upyeah:
  3. Scotland landed a bronze yesterday.......what will happen today? A Scottish gold or silver?
  4. NNNooooo, don't get em started.

  5. This is a Team GB thread........ the vote hasn't been taken yet!!

  6. Insular! Who else would want to "curl"
  7. Shirt violation whatever next and the bald Canadian has an odd 'lilt'
  8. [​IMG]

    With a typically tropical taste?? :wink:
  9. Its simple really. Folk in England go with

    Andy Murray wins = British

    Andy Murray loses = Scottish

    Its therefore only natural that we go with

    Andy Murray wins = Scottish

    Andy Murray loses = British
  10. Feel sorry for Elise, 3 races and nothing taken out tonight in the semis

  11. Can we agree Andy Murray = miserable?
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Not true. This is just your view of the world. You wear your badge of insularity like an Olympic gold medal.
  13. On a personal level I lived In London for 14 years.

    On a national level I would suggest that a nation which wishes to engage with the rest of the world on an equal basis is outward looking not insular.

    On the other hand, a nation which hides behind another, does not take responsibility for itself....that is insular

    Have a look round this forum, any forum, and you will find Andy Murrays nationality changes
  14. you tell em :upyeah:
  15. Call him what you want. I am not sure i would be Mr Chirpy if I experienced what he did as a child.
  16. i am sure its tongue in cheek.
  17. True, sometimes things don't come across the way you want them to on the internet
  18. the important question is what the scots think, not the rest of the uk. if your passionate about nationality it will only wear you down.
  19. Well we know what alex salmon thinks. We will find out what the Scottish think in sure...:beer:
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