There seems to be no reaction yet again. It seems the old phrase is dead. All it takes for evil to succeed is for a few good men to do nothing...
Looks like Putin is trying to make sure that the Ukraine stays within the Russian sphere of influence. The Ukraine is dependant on Russian gas supplies as is Europe. If the Eu was to try throwing it's weight about too much, how long would it be before we started having gas supply 'problems'?
As are the protesters! Its turning into a full on revolution, hardly surprising if you look at the history between Russia and the Ukraine. Trying to move back closer to Russia was always going to cause public unrest...
We'd better hurry up and get the shale gas drilling sorted then. Perhaps the "anti-fracking" protestors are Putin supporters.
Well we have something they value even more payment for said gas, visas for their citizens you know those rich one's that buy out 20% of Europe. Cancel it all. No one wants to go to Russia so they can respond in kind. Sorry but your argument is not valid. Tomorrow they will pop up at your doorstep asking for somerset, we better give them that or gas will stop. Day after Europe and then the world. Sounds familiar. I bloody hope protestors do. From history I can tell you Ukraine/Russia combo fired the first thousand bullets no doubt there. I said it before the only reason they are limiting the number of bullets used is fact that in current media times they will not be able to stop all the footage of civilians armed/unarmed, kids, women being shot by fully geared soldiers. Snipers are being used FFS.
Just watching coverage on C4 news and it is really blowing up into something of a revolution. Some soldiers are changing sides also. Let's hope the leadership and military will capitulate. Sanctions will not be effective and Putin will not want the President to stand down. Not looking good. Fracking
Brilliant. Just what everyone needs: another civil war. I thought Ukraine was supposed to be a democracy. How are these things possible? Can't you do national strikes before you get around to face-offs with the authorities? People weren't keen on the poll tax, but it didn't come to live ammunition. I have a sneaking suspicion that that part of the world embraces thuggery. History would seem to suggest so. But then they've not really had much in the way of practice with democracy I suppose, whereas it's been going on in the UK for a few centuries.
There have been national Protests since November last year, the government started this by dropping a very popular act which would see the Ukraine move closer to the EU. Instead the President wants to re tie up with Russia, something very unpopular especially in the West of the country which has always considered themselves european anyway. BBC News - Why is Ukraine in turmoil? That link misses out that there has been unrest in the country since the elections a few years ago, the rumors were that President Yanukovych accepted money from Putin to buy votes. Putin is dreaming of forming a new USSR and that is never going to work. Just for the record my previous post was not meant to justify the actions of the government there, only to point out that the protesters are arming themselves too. I understand the bad blood between the Russians and Ukranians fairly well as my Grandfather fought for the Ukranian resistance against the Soviet invasion between WW1 and WW2. The Ukraine was one of the first countries to split from the USSR following the fall of the Berlin wall so for many the idea of re-joining Russia is very unpopular.
They never actually split from Russia. We did in Poland we kicked their army quickly out and severed ties. Ukraine never did any of that in full. If your politicians are pro kremlin you never split from Russia. That is the problem. People at power are mates with Russia but keeping distance to make it all look legit (they do not influence us trust us). Now Russia is again growing in power pro kremlin politicians want to jump on the band wagon, no surprise there. Thing is in Russia unless you super rich or from important family you are just a scum, foot soldier. You always was and you always will be (look at how they conducted wars 1 dead person is a tragedy, 1 million is statistic). Now if you join Russia then lower then poor Russians are poor anyone else from any other country that joined. Normal citizens would get double fuck on such merger. In case of a war they would be those sent in front without guns. Like the black people in south park: South Park Movie Operation Battallions - YouTube
So they had all sides decided to stop violence and start talking, by all I mean all parties in Ukraine. Great. Their current president agreed to do early presidential elections this year and to go back to their old constitution from 2004 which in essence takes away a lot of powers from president and now it is in line with most democracies (ie it is not a dictatorship anymore). They also agreed to go back to talks with EU. All great. Everybody signed happy except one person. Russian representative refused to sign it. Yet another example where it is Russia way or no way even if it means Russia way loads of people will end up dead. When will rest of Europe learn to tell Russians to F-off and get them in their place before it is to late.
Russia is getting its cake and eating it. Does nothing yet part of Ukraine will secede to them. I agree with you. Someone needs to tell them to fuck off. But it is already too late.
It is not to late, they need money to build what ever they are building. Stop buying gas of feckers under their rules.
Agreed but unless it is a free country forget it so let's make it free. They got plenty more like that.....
There can be situations in poker where people are so heavily committed, they don't back down when they should but increase their bet instead. This is often a costly mistake. The best poker players take the hit on the chin and fold. The Ukraine has been looking a bit like this. When 75 or 100 people have been killed, neither side might back down. But this would mean escalation into civil war when a hundred deaths soon become small beer, and entire towns are reduced to rubble, rather than the couple of burnt-out buildings they have so far. I hope the Ukrainians realise this before they find themselves in a northeastern Syria.