Hi, making a 749 engine fit will be a serious amount of work in itself, the frame will have to heavily modified to make it fit, but then I guess that's going to happen anyway to fit the swingarm? If that's the route you're thinking why not just start with a 749/999 frame? Just my 2p... Darren
To to gain the correct alignment I need too machine bit off anyway.... That's been worked out, just the sprocket is the party pooper now
Not all that bad, the motor itself will fit in the frame quite easily, obviously there's finding a home for all the ancillerys etc but that's not to hard either
Little update, now down to a bear frame, currently trying to do a deal on a later 749 motor. Don't really wanna start anything drastic till if and when I get it. also got a pair of 749s Showa shocks... Little disappointed as the lowers have minor pitting so may be going back, I did intend to reanodise the uppers but with the lowers kaput aswell I may aswell go out and buy a pair of ohlins
If you do buy a TAB tank, how are you going to fuel the bike, because as far as I am aware, the TAB tanks don't have provision for internal pumps and filters??
I really don't think fuel delivery is much of a problem. We have a fair amount of experience in the field
Yep, I think fueling shouldn't be to much of a headache tbh getting the 'right' tank maybe not. back to the sprocket, I've decided to go balls deep and go for a 749/999 lump...... Problem solved....... Not cheaply though
I was only asking how you were going to do it; seeing as how I am working on something as well.......
Ah right, if I can't fit it in tank I'll use a small external pump with again a smaller fpr, don't have to be that big tbh and possibly baffle the tank with foam so I don't get starvation. will no doubt rig it up via an-6 hose/fittings. tbh I'm a way off that kinda stuff yet, need to find a home for everything else first me thinks
I'm piddling around with a 1-4psi Facet Solid State pump, two inline filters and probably an electrically operated shut-off.......I may also try to fit a conventional tap with reserve facility..........
Are you using a filter pre and post pump? surely it'll shut off when ignition is off , no? i was gonna just go pre pump using something like a Walbro 225lph jobbie, there compact reliable and near bomb proof.... Fuel reg I'll prolly use summat oe, maybe even a 749 stock one..... No point in using summat fancy like a fuelab as there to big and not really needed
Filter between tank and pump, filter between pump and carbs.........If you are using carbs, then you won't need a high flow rate otherwise it will overpower the float valves....... With regard to a cut-off, when some solid state pumps switches off, it can leave open ports.......so that means there is pressure on the float valves even when everything is off.......hence an electric cut-off between tank and pump.
As promised a 749 lump, matt and I took a romantic trip to fetch it. managed to bag it from eBay, luckily it still had lots of bits still attached ie clutch, hoses etc. all the little things I woulda have to of obtained anyway. Plus the nice chap provided me with throttle bodies, ecu, loom and other handy bits. Just gave it phase 1 of 2 washes...... Let the games commence
Again the nice parts fairy has graced my garage again, or kanerdog has gave me his cast offs...... A mint set of proper p4 calipers, only problem is they make the ok condition rear caliper look really shit now Gilles rearsets Gave the engine another blast today..... I'm now a little unsure on putting paint on it, it's not mint, but pretty good. And hopefully without any distractions this lot will start getting bolted together when I'm back from work...roll on the weekend
Yeah, he's not to shabby, problem is when every thing goes for paint it may highlight the flaky bits more so..... I'll see later on I guess