I had my Manx styled 1957 Triton taken into the local motorcycle workshop just over a month ago for a top end rebuild and a report on the rest of the engine.The owner of the workshop was all gung ho to do the work as it was a quiet time of the year.The receptionist at the workshop,who turned out to be the owners wife,was also very keen to take the job on. I go in this morning to find out how far he had got,yes you've guessed it,not even touched.The excuse was they have to vacate the workshop because the lease is not being renewed!At this point I say to him that all it needed was a phone call to let me know the situation.It fell on deaf ears,so I told him to return my bike,which he promised either this afternoon or tomorrow morning.I had to remind him,that without customers having faith in him,his business will suffer,and all the work I could have put his way from all the old farts I know with classic bikes has now gone.I was not rude to the guy,but he didn't seem to appreciate that the customer comes first. I will now have to check my bike when it gets back for damage as when I saw it in the workshop it was in amongst a load of old shonky tat.What a complete f....ng waste of a month.:frown:
When I had my own company I always worked on the basis of the customer is always right,always comes first,and always keep them informed of problems before they come complaining.No customers means no money.What is it with some people?
Cheers Chris.I have met this so many times.You find an ace plumber,builder etc.They know there trade inside out but cannot run there own business.They take on to much work,don't have any back up staff,and end up pissing everybody off. Since being restricted in what I can do I find it difficult relying on other people to do things for me.Mrs Mervyn will say something like 'we need a builder in for that'.My reply being,find me one that is competant and reliable.I know they are out there,but finding one is difficult.We have found some good people,but it takes a lot of trawling around and getting feedback from other people. Mind you,I always was useless at delegating.:frown:
I thought you were going to say he had stripped the bike to pieces, lost half the bits and damaged the other half. Not even touched - you got off lightly.
She has just been delivered,I am now a happy bunny.I got quite agitated over the affair yesterday and am delighted I can now enjoy the rest of the weekend.
At least you found out before he did a runner with everything in the workshop... It's shit, but it could have been worse...
Tosser!... Are there any laws about this sort of thing?... Idiots like this should be shot by Ze Germans!