It is said Harleys handle like pigs on roller skates

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Borgo Panigale, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Bet he still couldn't catch Fig over Chelsea Bridge :upyeah:
  2. is that a stretch of the M1?
  3. Not enough potholes...
  4. Harleys handle? Nah.........I've had one and ridden many.............

    50mph around a long easy bend and it was wallowing like a drunken hippo on roller skates.............
  5. That was fuckin awesome though. that he didn't touch a single cone and the bike barely fitting through. Respect .
  6. where was the plough ?
  7. Respect is due, look up some 'motorcycle gymkana' on you tube and be prepared for more amazement.
  8. I guess I will just have to stay on the straight road's and just nail it then :wink:
  9. They do handle like pigs. That 25 degrees of lean seen in the vid was the Harley limit.
  10. That is pretty impressive bike control... I've seen the yank police doing this on BMW's before - you have to admire the skill...
  11. If you listen carefully you can hear how many times the crash-bars scrape on the tarmac...
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