So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. those wonderful words every Father dreams about "darling I'm thinking of going away for the weekend with the children, will you be OK by yourself?" :upyeah:

  2. Yes ma'am!

    bonne chance !!
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  3. Training at what, Dave?
  4. I reluctantly went to a Maritime themed research presentation. thought I had better show willing as the boss was fronting it. blew me away, absolutely fascinating. The last time I attended something with bad grace the same happened, it was a presentation on what actually went wrong with the shuttle disaster, the one that exploded on take off with the teacher on board. I was going to show my face, sit by the exit and go after ten minutes, I was riveted to my seat for two hours.
  5. Good luck, which one?
  6. It's often the way. Even the most mundane things have so much more to them than you realise.

    The teacher in Challenger disaster spent a few terms at my upper school - there was a memorial plaque to her in reception (mark Rutherford upper in Bedford - an otherwise dreadful school)
  7. The third one. Still not heard back on the other two - their loss :wink:
  8. Isnt he an agile fella...
  9. Back from gym, what a friday night *sigh* so rewarded myself with some Old Speckled Hen :upyeah:
  10. I should have known better, I've worked in the world of research for nearly seven years (not as a scientist) mainly in human sciences and am always impressed with what goes on. today was very much 'boys and their toys,' and I was very jealous as I returned to my spreadsheets!!

    I recall the teachers name was Christa McCauliffe, and no I haven't just googled that.
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  11. The name rings a bell, the disaster happened six years before I went there.
  12. due to complications arising from Monday club member. i have had to get off me lazy ass and bust it all week, i is bogin, i is mingin, and i is tired. up shot. saved a fortune and made a wee bit too. cool, pay the lecky bill next week. :upyeah:
  13. Thats more like it Bradders, proper mans beer!
  14. Worked and been very busy today as was the rest of this week ! Fancied a beer tonight but none in the house, too knackered to go to the pub so fell asleep in front of the tele. Now drinking whisky :eek: won it in a raffle the other week :upyeah:
  15. I'm about to go to a pruning lesson at the local garden centre. Should be interesting as my current methods are not exactly scientific.
  16. Today I have already been ironing. Still have some more to do. :frown:
  17. soldered on 4 tiny plugs on motorbike outside - eyesight not what it was
  18. Spending most of this morning removing sign writing from a Smart car ready for it to be sold on Monday.

    Then taking the youngest out for a couple of hours as we have some errands to run before his 9th birthday tomorrow, then fingers crossed a ride out later.

    Weather is glorious so I have a proper spring in my step this morning for a change!
  19. taking day off, feck em.
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