It's a right laugh !

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Willythepoo, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Fireblade SP, £14,999, non ABS

    How much will you give me for my Ducati 1198SP AND my MV Agusta 1078 RR312 in exchange, Mr. Dealer Sir ?
    £16,500 said Mr.Dealer.
    Glad I gave him some work to do ! :biggrin:
  2. Well,thats more than I would give you!:biggrin:
  3. I walked into my local Porsche dealer earlier today. The dealer quickly spotted me and came over.

    "Hi, I'd like to buy a car, please."

    "It's your lucky day Sir," says the dealer, "you are our 5,000th customer and for that reason you can have any car in the showroom for just £1000".

    "You're joking?!" I exclaimed.

    "Well you started it" replied the dealer.
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