jury duty bollox

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. I was meant to be called as a defense witness for a mate of mine who was knocked off in front of me last summer.

    CPS only told me on thursday, that they want me in court next week...

    Trouble is, I'm working abroad; and I was then informed that as I'm needed for the trial, it might now get delayed till the summer this year... That's a bit crap....
  2. I have to agree with andy. The whole jjstice wagon moves to slow and could be speeded up by doing what they have done to doctors etc.

    Recruit more in most cases and demanded full weekend cover for operations.

    The same operational ethos could be applied to the justice system.

    That is one thing no one can deny - they are severly lacking in that area
  3. So you admit you don't have the slightest clue what procedural changes you might want, then.

    Feel free to post all the woolly-minded waffling you wish.
  4. all those in the real world take a step forward………stand still Pete, you are about as out of touch as your bull mates...
  5. Everyone carries their own little piece of reality around with them. The real world for some, greatly differs from others. Its all a matter of perspective. Many things look foolish from the outside but make perfect sense viewed up close. Our judicial system may not be perfect but its served us well for centuries and the rest of the world more or less are based upon it. So we must be doing something right.
  6. i've always wanted to do jury service. I'm curious to see the show, and even more so from the inside. But no one has ever required my excellent services.
  7. typical, bad things have got to happen for me to take an interest.
  8. Stored for later
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  9. Its called public duty peolpe
  10. i will do my best to find the guilty ones wanting. i am the LAW!
  11. MacDredd
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  12. You aint got fish hooks in your tongue have ya?... :eek:
  13. bring back the birtch
  14. Maybe we should reinstate stocks in town squares. Then we can pelt miscreants with rotten fruit and point at them. Plus we will have to dunk mad old ladies and arrest more monkeys. Oh and we must start sending more juveniles up chimneys and hang them for shoplifting mojos.
  15. quite a responsibility, life or death at my bequest. fuck em, burn ya witch!.
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  16. you saw what i did there didn't you….:wink:
  17. i've always wanted to do jury service; but I'm not allowed to...
  18. doesn't make you a bad person……well….:wink:
  19. Good point.

    I spent some years of my working life devising ways making criminal court procedures quicker, cheaper and more efficient, introducing changes, and getting them to work. I like to flatter myself that I achieved some slight success, within a limited area.

    The Crown Court procedural rules, practice directions, precedents, etc might well be improved, and there are people working hard to find ways of doing just that, but it is a highly complex field - most changes would make things worse instead of better. The respective roles of investigators, prosecutors, defence reps, court staff, juries, and judges are finely balanced, and interact in subtle ways. To add a further complication, at the moment massive budget cuts are being imposed, so those managing the system have to find ways of doing more with less.

    Into this complex scene comes blundering an ignoramus, totally unawares. Does he have any proposals for reforming, improving, developing any aspect of the system? Even slightly? No, not one.
  20. Pete do the courts work 24/7? Do they even work a full day? is there a back log of cases to be heard? would this eleviate the situation……..heres your question and here is a solution to the situation…now fook off with your petty name calling and grow up and look beyond your little elitist world.
    #40 andyb, Feb 23, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014
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