engine blown

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by chris bourner, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. looks like the con rod decided it didn't want to play any more and tried to escape through the crank case!! 2011 s touring, 14000 miles and no warranty :mad:
  2. Has it been fully serviced-- if so get in touch with Ducati should last longer than a couple of years
    #2 Big stu, Feb 23, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014
  3. Quite a few of the newer multis have let go , that's why I've gone back to a 1000 air cooled , my 2010 one of the first new multi did manage 6000 trouble free miles before I sold it , sorry to hear
  4. Fuck that! Unless its not been serviced, then surely Ducati should replace!...
  5. it was serviced (including belts) at 10,000
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. Wow! sorry to hear this..........first major engine failure I've heard of for quite some time.
    1400 miles...a typo, 14000? Regardless something was not fit for purpose or built wrong at the Factory.
    Phone your Dealer now, I would be VERY surprised if Ducati would not sort this out gratis.

    Keep us posted on events and with any info on what happened and the causes.

    At least you should be sorted for the Spring/Summer ;-)
  7. Ah bollix
  8. yeah 14000, was two up rushing home for tea ,not stupid rushing(missus on back) just not hanging about, got on M62 done about 7 mile then bang!! clutch in and pulled on hard shoulder, only done about 11 mile in total #feduptofoook
  9. Oh ekk !! ........have you drained the oil out ......how much is in there ?

    did it start with a rumble , did you hear a knock before it chucked its leg out or did it just chuck it instantly ?

    peel the oil filter with a pair of snips ,open the filter element see if theres lots of white metal or copper debris
  10. Maybe best to leave well alone for the moment..........possibility of jeopardizing Ducati assistance?
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  11. Jeezus, proper mullered. Good luck with Ducati trying to sort out a solution - I'd be sorely tempted to park it up outside your nearest main dealer as an (hmmm) advertisement.
  12. lol most of the oil is on the m62 but I will look in the oil filter, we did about 30 mile on twisty b roads, not missed a beat...in in fact I commented how well/smooth it was running...called at friends, had a cuppa then set off home...not a hint of (wait I need a tissue) anything wrong until it died. couldn't sleep last night, in garage at 5:30 this morning to start the strip down. i'll ring ducati tmora and see what they say, In the mean time i'll get down on my knees n do some praying lol.
  13. If it's out of Warranty you'll be very bloody lucky if you get a fair hearing out of Ducati/Audi. If your dealership comes to the party that's good for you but now knowing the shitfight they have to report back the Ducati HQ (Audi) when this happens...good luck.
  14. yeah just took bits off so I could see what had happened, soon bob the bits back on.
  15. #17 kope999R, Feb 23, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014
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  16. Only 1127 miles?....are they having a laugh!!!


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  17. yeah seen it, probs had clocks changed, might have another 20'000 on it.
  18. OOOOOOOOOOHHH. That's not something I'd say is a common fault for these so you're really unlucky there. I'd think Ducati would want to do the work if only to find out what caused it. Good luck mate.
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