Pope appoints new Cardinals

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Popery is so 12th Century. We've moved on man. Its all Ant & Dec in the 21st Century.
  2. Bet Simon Cowell had input into the names selected......
  3. Looks more like the Ducati Forum Christmas Carol service !
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  4. I can see there is a gag in this, but I can't work out what it is.
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  5. I find it astonishing that people can consider such people as eminent when they clearly know fuck all.
  6. It's a Photoshopped pic (the giveaway is the women) but I don't recognise the heads that have been 'shopped in.


    [Or maybe it isn't and the new progressive Pope has chosen women cardinals and that is the point of the thread. Search me. I now find the Catholic church, and all the others to be a complete irrelevancy, so I'm not over worried what they get up to. It would be like worrying whether the local rat-catchers club admitted women or not. Who cares?]
    #7 gliddofglood, Feb 22, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  7. Like I said ....Ducati forum members. :)
  8. How many kiddie fiddlers there!... Loads I bet!!
  9. I noticed it was photoshopped too. however I overlooked the lead in as I wanted to see what he was up to.
  10. three of them arn't gay men
  11. I can see Nog in there can't I?
  12. whos nog
  13. Are you reading this Radi ? Paedo's everywhere (even on here) ! ;)
  14. I thought it was the Man.United team photograph :smile:
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  15. I did.
  16. Ted, is that you ?
  17. Pah ! they all get to kiss the Popes ring.
  18. Anyone know what the joke is yet? Or is it too high brow for us plebs?
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