Just watched this on BBC iPlayer. WTF I mean ok generally as expected but FFS the 2nd of 3 girls they discuss. She is a porn start (hardcore porn), webcam girl and so on. She said she always wanted to be a porn start, since she was 16. Her agent is her fucking mother WTF?!?! BBC iPlayer - The Truth about Webcam Girls
I know where that Olivia lives! Just watched it and all the shots of Derbyshire are just round the corner from me. Her mum looks familiar too.
There was a documentary on the other week it's on 4 OD " date your pornstar " I strongly advise men to watch it . It was a real eye opener . A couple of blokes I know who admit to watching porn frequently watched it and were pretty shocked. Gone are the days where girls could make good money . The most disturbing thing was a young girl wanting to be a porn star and they invited her in to watch a program being recorded . Part of the program is called " Fu*ck a fan" . You get the gist .... It's the most disturbing thing to watch the girls .... These girls had to basically have sex with some really vile blokes live. They had to work through a que of them . It was up there with the most disturbing stuff I've watched. Seriously please watch the docu it may still be on 4Od Or YouTube .
One of my ex girlfriends is now a porn star and is involved in web cam stuff too. She earns a very decent wage from it and last time I saw her she was happy enough with her situation. She's from a good background and isn't ashamed of what she does. As long as they are happy then no harm done and it beats working 9-5 in a office I guess.
Just watched it and agree with all the above. The transformation in the guys attitudes was remarkable, particularly the guy in the wheelchair who seemed pretty un shockable.
Beejeezuz - it pays well ! I wonder if there is a market for an overweight hairy arsed bloke. I can do a great trick with a pound coin and a pint glass !