Is there a way to stop seeing adverts in post form?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by deleteduser211220, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. I don't know about anyone else but I'm tired of seeing traders just posting their complete shop contents up on the forum board.

    If I want anything carbon or Ducati related, I would look on their website, as I am well aware of the existence of these traders.

    They offer nothing but generic hello's to new members, or adverts for their stuff.

    No real input of solving peoples tech issues, general chit-chat, only peddling goods to make money.

    As I say, I'm fed up but no doubt others like seeing ads for bar end weights etc.
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  2. Of whom do you speak FE?
  3. Design Corse and more frequently Conquest Carbon.

    I do understand that they pay to be on the dealer list but to have constant posts for stuff they are selling gets a bit tedious.
  4. I agree, it can make browsing on tapatalk or the what's new page very annoying
  5. Being a bit precious tonight aren't we chaps ? ;)

    As a Ducati chappy, I personally like looking at their stuff ! :smile:
  6. It's not bothering me personally.

    They're probably just trying to pay the rent.
  7. Me neither , Its all part and parcel of biking , and its Ducati related so I can live with it.
  8. and does the money they pay (?) help keep the forum available to us ? I know how much time the moderators give the site to make it what it is and in a back handed sort of way, the dealers recognise just how popular and importatnt this forum is. Andy
  9. I hope you understand that our sponsors help pay for the server, which in turn helps support the forum. It would harm the forum if we insisted that everybody paid for access, so I'm afraid its unavoidable.
  10. Yet one can pay not to see the paid banner ads. However the others can advertise away without any sensorship.
  11. The banner ads and the forum sponsorship are two different things, and although I see your point, I don't think it can be changed
  12. Don't see the problem. Just ignore the posts you don't want to read. You're right about Conquest Carbon saying hello to every new member, but it's a good way for them to make those members aware of their presence AND the forum discount they offer. If it's that tedious, you should object to new members introducing themselves too.
  13. It is dependant on how you access the forum as to how annoying it is. If you only ever go to the multi section then you'd not notice them on any format, but if you use the what's new page or tapatalk's unread feature then the forum can appear over run by conquest's welcome to the forums and the new design corse account selling loads of stuff in their own threads.
  14. The unread feature is not exclusive to Tapatalk. There's a 'New Posts' link to the left of the menu bar at the top of every forum page. Makes it very easy to spot and ignore the posts to which you and the OP are objecting to.
  15. I mostly just use Quick links " Today's posts"
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