Rigby sentencing

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. And have their cocks hacked off, that way when they get to their heaven and all those gap toothed Virgin goats their expecting they're are as useful as a chocolate fire guard.
  2. Sigh. Toms right. The rule of law is all that separates them from us.

    Cant we just give them a good kicking?....no...dammit...but its sooo tempting

    Being banged up and not made martyrs is humiliating to them. The worst thing you can do to people like these is to forget them and pay them no attention. Let them dissolve quietly into obscurity.
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  3. Also deprive them of their beliefs. Worst thing you can do to anyone is take away their central being. Make them catholics, that will sort them out.

    For me, justice would have been at the end of a rope. There is no way anyone could say there is a doubt of whether guilty or not. Clear cut. Sure there would be a few who would volunteer to pull the cord
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  4. Naw leave the cocks on . Just separate them from there knackers , preferably with a blind shotgun wielding gap toothed virgin goat , Then they will know what a life sentence really is .
  5. Pretty much my view.
    They will moulder in prison and be basically forgotten - much like the Yorkshire Ripper who now is just another inmate amongst many.
    They believe in distorted fairy stories. Their entire lives will have been a complete waste. Not much that can be done with them.

    Indeed. With any luck they will top themselves and save everyone a lot of effort and money.
  6. Wasn't pleasant seeing one of them mooning his arse behind the BBC newsreader.
  7. I had another thought about this. One got 45 years. Had anyone even heard the word "jihad" 45 years ago in 1968?

    Maybe in 45 years time jihad will just be a cultural irrelevancy and no one will be interested in a couple of barmy, brainwashed fools who adhered to a credo that the world has forgotten.

    45 years is a long time in human life terms. It's an awfully long prison sentence. There will of course be campaigns to let them out early as they approach grandaddom especially if they appear to have moved away from their farcical beliefs. But they might well be dead beforehand.
  8. why aren't more premeditated murders full term.
  9. 1. Cheaper to let people out
    2. There isn't enough prison room
    3. Some people reform inside and are no longer a danger to anyone.
    4. They might only have been a danger to one individual - who they murdered. After a decade or so, what's the point of keeping them inside?
  10. I think they both should have got whole life terms. I think this will give the one that did get a whole life term means to appeal maybe?

    I do believe there should be a penal colony like Devils island for the worst of the worst. Proper hard labour 7 days a weeks and just enough food and water to keep them alive
  11. Put them in a military prison and on a pork and bacon diet.
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  12. I pride myself that I live in a civilised society. The two guys are also victims of religious brainwashing and Islam is quite clear that non believers should be killed. There are no winners here, I don't want to live in a society that uses medieval physical torture so the only punishment is loss of liberty. Within prison, we cannot have a free for all with associated violence so they will be protected. It's is what elevates our society from the dark ages. I recognise that if someone hurt my family I'd want revenge but those personal feelings aside, this decision seemed correct to me in terms of the terms. I do think that the privileges afforded prisoners should be in line with the severity of the crime and I would prefer they had zero access to media, the internet etc.
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  13. I'm ashamed to say Muslims are making me racist. They don't want to fit in with society rather than get society to change to their ways. As such, in cases like this, leave the offender alive, but kill 100 random muslims as punishment. That'd get their community to think twice before spreading their hate compains. Army justice, works better than punishing the individual yourself.
  14. Don't be silly.
  15. 1037sps. That's a ridiculous attitude to have. Religions normally throw out a few nut jobs who believe every word of it and choose to ignore certain aspects of the 'teachings'. There are contradictions throughout religious texts and it only takes a few to believe the negative (only one god, infidels etc) rather than the positive (compassion, love etc) to put a few on the path of a holy war or militancy......certainly Christianity has had its moments!

    You don't read the Daily Mail do you? if you do.....STOP IT!
  16. There is only one true religion............................... BIKES.
  17. Unless you're in the wrong faction, like HD-riding dentists in all the bad-ass gear.

    Kill them, infidels all. Jihad!

  18. This wasn't carried out by 'muslims', it was carried out by a nut job and his mate. There are millions and millions of believers in the Islamic faith in the world but only a handful want to harm others. Just as there are millions and millions of believers in other religions who want to harm others. It's only noticeable in this case as these nutters claim they are acting in the name of religion when they are, in fact, just acting in the name of their own craziness.
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  19. All religion is just a throw back to days of controlling the masses and in my opinion it has no place in modern society. Having a punishment that's an actual deterrant would make the world a more peaceful place however. Instead of being preached about how to bring down government and fight the country you live in, it would refreshing to hear that a muslim mob battered a muslim preacher for suggesting such things IMO.
  20. A mistrust of Islam is not racism. Islam is a theology. Muslims are racially diverse. Arabs, Asians, Africans, Europeans, etc.
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