Skyhook handle bars

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Hookey, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. I've searched but couldn't find any comments, does anyone else find the wobbly bars on the skyhook model a bit disconcerting?
    I'm assuming it's correct(?) and done for a good reason, but it does feel a bit weird when you're manoeuvring the bike. Anyone confirm that it's supposed to be like that, and why?
  2. Isn't that a question for your Ducati dealer?
  3. It is, and I did.
    You're not quite getting the whole forum concept are you..?
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  4. What do you mean wobbly bars?

    like literally the handle bars aren't secured properly in the clamp?

    or wobbly as in the front end stability is effected on the skyhook?
  5. It rides absolutely fine, in fact you get no impression of it really on the move. But they seem to be rubber mounted and you can wobble the bars semi independently of the forks. I asked the dealer and he said it's normal (bloody hope he's right!), just wondered if anyone else had noticed and why it's been done on this model.
  6. Funny you should mention this, I gave a mate of mine a go on my Multi and the first thing he mentioned when he got off was the wobbly bars, now here's the thing I hadn't noticed it ?
  7. My dealer hadn't noticed either! I'm a very sensitive boy..
  8. Is this only on new Multis?

    ive got a 2012 but can't say I've noticed, I did noticed a bit of a knock the other day when I bounced up and down on the bars but figured that could just be brake pads or cables hitting plastic
  9. And you're not understanding that 80% of the people on here have no clue of what they are talking about. Yourself included. And that's why we have specialists like dealers, who we bought the bike from, to ask and talk to.

  10. No doubt you have Ohlins forks! This is a known problem that can be fixed by shimming. It is not a safety issue but can be done (free in warranty) by your dealer if it annoys you. Sometimes the fix is only partly successful. Lots of info about it on here if you search.
  11. 4/10 ET your letting the side down.
  12. Agreed Fitz, there are some on here that know a lot more about the bikes than many of the techs, simply because we have either experienced directly, or shared details of issues that they may not have seen.

    I've never had an issue with the bars, and have ridden a bunch of mts's now.
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  13. According to the warranty report on nellys computer it's been shimmed, perhaps not correctly by the sounds of it
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  14. Had mine shimmed as well which reduced the knocking down a bit but didn't eliminate it totally......
  15. Quite a gift you have there of coming over as an unpleasant individual so swiftly. I can only assume you excel at it in person too.
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  16. Skyhooks don't have Ohlins, do they?

  17. Wee bit of a thread tangent by me and DenH replying to a question about knocking noises from damodici's Mutley (Ohlins shod):

    #17 Mark H, Mar 1, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2014
  18. No, and sorry if I confused you by commenting on the 'knocking Ohlins' issue. Skyhooks are Sachs just to put the record straight.
  19. Cant say I have noticed it. Noticed the rear squatting a lot under power at high lean angles today. Must dial that put..
  20. FWIW, I've never noticed wobbly bars on my Skyhook but I'll try and spot it next time I ride it.
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