The Lardy Bikers Get Fit Fast Thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Well I'm I'v lost 10 pounds in two months. That's pretty good aint it ? ;)
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Cracking work Clueless! Good on you for sticking with it and for having the determination, commitment and back bone to fight the good fight, despite the pain involved and the effort required :)

    That's what I like to see :)
  3. Im still going , I've no idea whether I have lost weight or not as I'm not overweight anyway so I don't ever weight myself.
    Noticed more definition though. :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Peter, I suspect you can smash out some serious push ups now too ;)

    If you fancy a bit more pain, you can try and fit this circuit in a couple of times a week...

    10 x Push ups
    20 x Sit ups
    15 x Tricep Dips
    5 x Pull Ups

    Rest for 60 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

    It sounds simple, but makes me feel sick every time!

    Don't rest between exercises and go as fast as you can. Enjoy :)
  5. I could manage the 10x push ups
    the 20x sit ups
    15x tricep dips no , our chairs aren't suitable and me being 6ft makes it awkward .
    5x pull ups , again no facilities.

    I think now Tom its time to change what I'm targeting on. I want to do more chest , biceps , obliques , and lat work, all without going to a gym. As soon as I have to go to a gym I'll get pissed off and start missing sessions.
    I do have a large wooden greenhouse on my property that I could utilise with overhead timbers for hanging me or things off.
    Plus I'm not pushing myself to your extremes , I only want to be fitter not superfit ;) .
  6. Pete, I will get back to you.
  7. Pete,

    Do you want to have big arms etc that look good, or do you want to be able to lots and lots of exercises with your arms etc. The two approaches are completely different.

    You need to delete some messages so I can PM you.
  8. I cant stand the bodybuilder look Tom . Sorry don't mean to offend any peeps on here if you look like that but the people I know with bodybuilder look are conceited about themselves IMHO.
  9. Ok, endurance it is. I'll email you a plan.
  10. 12/4....:p....I finished that Insanity thing 2 weeks ago.

    Since then the only thing I'v not eaten is takeaways and bread.

    I'm going to start insanity again tommorrow and a couple of kickboxing sessions a week............reckon I'll be ripped by Easter........or dead:Dead:
  11. One thing I forgot to mention is that my legs are now longer.:upyeah:

    Something to do with the fat that now I don't have between my thighs and the now, toned glupes :Cigar:

    My feet are now all but on the floor when I sit on my bike, whereas before, I was on tippy toe:)
    • Like Like x 1
  12. I have been following this program for a while. Im nearly 30 days in. The first 45 days are the prep phase, followed by a mass gaining phase and then a fat stripping phase. There are some cheeky workouts in here, you'll probably need some equipment or access to a gym and you'll need to google acronyms, movement names etc.

    Day1 Strength:


    2x5 Wall Squat

    2x10 Squat

    2x5 Goblet Squat


    Clean + Front Squat + Hang Clean:

    One Triplet every 30 seconds for 10 minutes i.e. 20 total triplets

    Use 75# - 135#


    Work up to Deadlift 1RM


    5x2 Deadlift @ 80% 1RM

    Rest 3 minutes between sets


    KB Swing @ 24kg +

    30 sec FLR on rings 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of each


    Cool Down


    For the Triplet it helps to have a watch that beeps every 30 seconds to mark the time. Perform the Triplet each time the watch beeps. Also the goal here is to perfect form.

    For the KB Swing/FLR Ladder it looks like:

    10x KB Swing + 30sec FLR +

    9x KB Swing + 30sec FLR +

    Etc all the way to 1 rep

    Day 2 Recovery

    60 minute Row/Ride/Run @ Easy Pace


    Even though today is supposed to be easy you could go at a moderate to difficult pace (i.e. 75-85% MHR) during the cardiovascular exercise according to your fitness level and your recovery status.

    Day 3

    10 minute Row @ Easy Pace


    6x (30sec Work/30sec Active Rest) Row @ >150m per interval pace

    Three Blocks, Rest 4 minutes between blocks


    10 minute Row @ Easy Pace


    150m per 30sec interval is a suggested pace. It is the equivalent of 1:40/500m pace. Depending on your fitness level you may have to go faster or slower. The goal is to maintain a constant pace throughout all 18 intervals.

    Day 4

    60 minute Row/Ride/Run @ Easy Pace


    Even though today is supposed to be easy you could go at a moderate to difficult pace (i.e. 75-85% MHR) during the cardiovascular exercise according to your fitness level and your recovery status.

    Day 5 Muscle Endurance


    2x5 Wall Squat

    2x10 Squat

    2x5 Goblet Squat @ 25#


    Practice Pull-up, Squat, Push-up, Sit-up


    100x Pull-up +

    30x TGU @ 25# +

    100x Push-up +

    30x TGU @ 25# +

    100x Air Squat +

    30x TGU @ 25# +

    100x Sit-up +

    30x TGU @ 25#


    Cool Down


    The Turkish Get-ups (TGU) during this circuit are not done for time but rather with the emphasis on form

    Day 6 Recovery


    60 minute Row/Ride/Run @ Easy Pace


    Even though today is supposed to be easy you could go at a moderate to difficult pace (i.e. 75-85% MHR) during the cardiovascular exercise according to your fitness level and your recovery status

    Day 7 Rest

    Day 8 Strength


    2x5 Wall Squat

    2x10 Squat

    2x5 Goblet Squat

    2x20m Lunge


    Work up to Front Squat 1RM


    5x2 Front Squat @ 80% 1RM

    Rest 3 minutes between sets


    100x Front Squat Push Press @ 45# bar + 100x Wall Ball @ 20# ball + 100x Ball Slam @ 20# ball


    Cool Down


    Today's circuit is completed as quickly as possible. For Time.

    Day 9 Recovery


    60 minute Row/Ride/Run @ Easy Pace


    Even though today is supposed to be easy you could go at a moderate to difficult pace (i.e. 75-85% MHR) during the cardiovascular exercise according to your fitness level and your recovery status.

    Day 10 Strength Endurance


    10 minute Row @ Easy Pace


    Bench Press @ 135# to Complete Failure + Pull-up to complete failure

    5 sets, Rest 2 min between each


    4x (30sec Work/30sec “Rest”) Push Press @ 2 x 20-30# DB

    “Rest” is in OH Position


    Cool Down


    It will help to have someone to spot you for today's workout. For the Bench Press you should be aiming for a minimum of 30-35 repetitions each set.

    Day 11 Recovery


    60 minute Row/Ride/Run @ Easy Pace


    Even though today is supposed to be easy you could go at a moderate to difficult pace (i.e. 75-85% MHR) during the cardiovascular exercise according to your fitness level and your recovery status.

    Day 12 Power Endurance


    3x5 Wall Squat

    3x10 Squat

    3x5 Goblet Squat @ 25#


    Six-Way BB Complex:

    6x Deadlift + 6x Bent-over Row (back parallel to floor) +

    6x Hang Clean + 6x Front Squat + 6x Push Press +

    6x Back Squat + 6x Push-up

    Do these all in a row without letting go of the bar. Rest 1-2 minutes. Do 3-4 sets. Increase weight on bar with each series, i.e.




    30x HSPU +

    40x Pull-up +

    50x KB Swing @ 53# +

    60x Sit-up +

    70x Burpee


    Cool Down


    The Six-Way BB Complex is done slowly and in a controlled fashion trying to master each movement. "Meritorious" on the other hand is done for time.

    Day 13 Recovery

    60 mins ride/row/run

    Day 14 Rest

    Day 15 Strength


    3x5 Wall Squat

    3x10 Squat

    3x5 Goblet Squat @ 53#

    3x20m Walking Lunge

    3x20m OH Walking Lunge @ 15# DB

    3x10 Shoulder Dislocate


    2x (30sec Work/30sec “Rest’) Push Press @ 2 x 15# DB

    “Rest” is in OH Position

    Two Sets, Rest 2 min between sets


    Work up to OHS 1RM


    OHS @ 35% BW + Ring Push-up

    30-20-10 reps of each


    Cool Down


    During the circuit don't cheat the range of motion for the Ring Push-ups. Make sure you get your chest to your hands each rep even if it takes longer. If you do not have rings use Dumbbells to grab onto with your hands to enhance the range of motion and put your feet on a box.

    Day 16 Recovery

    60 mins cardio

    Day 17 Interval


    10 minute Row @ Easy Pace


    15x (30sec Row/90sec Active Rest)

    Player must Row one additional meter with each passing interval i.e. 150m, 151m, 152m, 153m, 154m, 155m, etc


    Cool Down


    The ability to start at 150m is dependent on your level of fitness. Some people may be able to start higher (i.e. 160m) and some may need to start lower (i.e. 145m). Don't be greedy. This will seem easy at first but gets very difficult in the later rounds.

    Day 18 Recovery

    60 mins cardio

    Day 19 Power Endurance


    2x5 Wall Squat

    2x10 Squat

    2x5 Goblet Squat


    “Squat Play”

    6x 30/15 sec intervals, random sequence of Squat, Jump Squat, Tuck Jump, Static Hold and rest


    3x (1-6) Pull-up Ladder


    "Those Burpees Suck"

    10x Pull-up + 20x KB Swing @ 53# + 30x Box Jump @ 24" Box + 40x Push-up + 50x Sit-up + 60x Burpee + 10x Pull-ups


    8x (20sec Row/10sec Active Rest) @ >100m per interval pace

    Two Blocks, Rest 4 minutes between each


    Cool Down


    "Squat Play" should be difficult but not crushing. Remember that you have a circuit to engage in afterwards.

    For the rowing intervals 100m per 20sec interval is dependent on your fitness level. You may have to adjust the intensity to get the desired effect. This should be really difficult.

    Day 20 Recovery

    60 mins cardio

    Day 21 Rest

    Day 22 Strength


    10 minute Row @ Easy Pace


    3x5 Wall Squat

    2x20m Walking Lunge

    2x20m OH Walking Lunge @ 45# BB



    3x5 DL @ 50% 1RM

    Rest 1 min between sets

    3x4 DL @ 60% 1RM

    Rest 1 min between sets

    3x3 DL @ 70% 1RM

    Rest 2 min between sets

    3x2 DL @ 80% 1RM

    Rest 3 min between sets

    6x1 DL @ 90% 1RM

    Rest 4-5 min between sets


    6x TGU @ 25# DB + 60sec FLR

    Five Rounds


    Cool Down


    Don't rush through the Deadlifts. This workout should take awhile and the key is to maximize rest between each set

    For the TGU/FLR circuit ensure this that is not done for time. Do everything as strictly as possible.

    Day 23 Recovery

    60 mins cardio

    Day 24 Strength Endurance


    Dumbbell Complex (Standard):

    6x Hi-Pull + 6x Bent-over Row + 6x Hang Clean +

    6x Front Squat Push Press + 6x OHS & SOTS Press Combo +

    6x Push-up & One-arm Row

    Three Sets, Completed with 20-25# Dumbbells


    Work up to Bench Press 1RM


    Bench Press @ Bodyweight + Burpee Pull-up 10/1-9/2-8/3-7/4-6/5-5/6-4/7-3/8-2/9-1/10 reps of each (digression-progression)


    3x 250m Row For Time

    Three minutes Active Rest between efforts


    Cool Down


    For the "DB Complex" see the How-To-Video for Full instructions.

    The Bench Pres/Pull-up combo looks like:

    10x Bench Press + 1x Burpee/Pull-up +

    9x Bench Press + 2 x Burpee/Pull-up +

  13. Day 25 Recovery

    60 mins cardio

    Day 26 Power Endurance


    2x5 Wall Squat

    2x10 Squat

    2x5 Goblet Squat


    5x Lunge +

    5x Push Press

    400m Total

    While holding a 45# bar or 2x 25# DB, or similar load, do 5x Lunges followed by 5x Push Press, continue doing this until you have

    traveled 400m (this is typically done as 1 lap around a track)


    This should take between 20 and 30 minutes


    Cool Down


    The Lunge/Push Press workout is typically done around a track but you could do it standing in place. If you do it ends up being 5x Push Press + 5x Lunge, 100 Rounds

    Day 27 Recovery

    60 mins cardio

    Day 28 Rest

    Day 29 Strength


    10 minute Row @ Easy Pace


    Clean/Front Squat/Jerk:

    2x 5/5/3 @ 70% (of C&J)

    2x 4/4/3 @ 75%

    2x 3/3/3 @ 80%


    8x2 Front Squat @ 80-85% 1RM

    Rest 1 min between sets


    Frog Hop:


    Rest 1 min between sets


    Cool Down


    For the Clean/Front Squat/Jerk use your Clean & Jerk 1RM.

    The combo looks like:

    5x Clean + 5x Front Squat + 3x Jerk. All reps repeated in succession.

    Day 30 Recovery

    60 mins cardio

    Day 31 Interval


    10 minute Row @ Easy Pace


    2000m Row for Time

    Rest amount of time it took to complete 2000m

    1000m Row for Time

    Rest amount of time it took to complete 1000m

    500m Row For Time


    Cool Down


    Each row portion is done for time. The goal is to PR in each event. That may not happen but aim for it.

    Day 32 Recovery

    60 mins cardio

    Day 33 Power Endurance


    2x5 Wall Squat

    2x10 Squat

    2x5 Goblet Squat


    20x OHS @ 45# BB +

    20x Feet-To-Hands +

    30x Front Squat @ 75# + 30x KTE +

    40x Back Squat @ 75# and 20-30# of chain +

    40x Atomic Sit-up +

    50x Air Squat +

    50x Sit-up (feet anchored)


    10x Push-up + 10 second Rest

    Ten Rounds


    Cool Down


    Move through the circuit as quickly as possible paying attention to the rules of form.

    Day 34 Recovery

    60 mins cardio

    Day 35 Rest

    Day 36 Strength


    3x5 Wall Squat

    3x10 Squat

    3x5 Goblet Squat @ 53#

    3x10 Shoulder Dislocate


    Work Up to Heavy OHS



    3x5 @ 50%
    3x4 @ 60%
    3x3 @ 70%
    2x2 @ 80%
    6x1 @ 90%

    Rest 2-3 min between sets above 80%


    5x Deadlift @ 75-80% + 10x Split Jump

    5 Rounds

    5x (1-6) Pull-up Ladder


    Be careful with your back during the DL/Split jump circuit. While the goal is to work hard and go fast it isn't worth hurting yourself.

    Day 37 Recovery

    60 mins cardio

    Day 38 Strength Endurance

    3x (1-6) Pull-up Ladder


    2x Strict Press + 2x Push Press + 2x Jerk:

    Complete 2 reps of each at 75# (i.e. 6 total reps of each)

    If successful on all 6 reps add 5# to bar and repeat.

    Do this until you cannot do all 6 reps. Once that happens add 5# and only do 2x Push Press + 2x Jerk.

    Continue adding 5# and doing 4 reps until you fail and then complete only 2x Jerk. Add 5# until you reach



    “Jonestown Sprint”:

    Push Press @ 75# + Burpee Pull-up

    20-10 reps of each


    Cool Down


    A good time goal for the "JonesTown" Sprint is sub 3:00 minutes

    Day 39 Recovery

    60 mins cardio

    Day 40 Power Endurance


    3x5 Wall Squat

    3x10 Squat

    3x5 Goblet Squat @ 25#


    Six-Way BB Complex:

    6x Deadlift +
    6x Bent-over Row (back parallel to floor) +
    6x Hang Clean +
    6x Front Squat +
    6x Push Press +
    6x Back Squat +
    6x Push-up
    Do these all in a row without letting go of the bar. Rest 1-2 minutes. Do 3-4 sets. Increase weight on bar with each series, i.e. 75#-85#-95#-105#


    Row 500m + 50x Ring Dip + 50x DB Push Press + 50x Step-up @ 18-20” box + 50x Push-up + 50x Sit-up + Row 500m


    Cool Down


    Complete the 500m Row in today's circuit like it is "for time" and then try to survive and move through the rest of the workout. The goal is to put yourself in a hole.

    Day 41 Recovery

    60 mins cardio

    Day 42 Rest
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