Cold War 2

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. there's a cold front coming. anyone know of any bunkers for sale?
  2. So you are going back to coal fires?
  3. A very tricky situation there now. Seems like propaganda is alive and well in the 21st century...taken from the Russian version of the Sun/Daily Mail.......

    One of the country's most popular papers, Komsomolskaya Pravda, claimed that Vladimir Putin was "one step away from becoming the leader of the world, the chief figure embodying independence from American hegemony".
    #23 Force-v4, Mar 3, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2014
  4. Pravda is one of the oldest papers in Russia, it was started by the bolshevik party as a means of delivering propoganda and directly translated means truth :rolleyes:
  5. And so it begins...

    USA in decline, Russia in the ascendency. Frankly I'd put a shot across their bow.

    Poland next?
  6. IMO, that's been his mindset for years.............
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  7. The BBC has said that Downing Street has ruled out any idea of military intervention...................I assume that means the UK

    Well, TFFT............. though the UK has anything credible to challenge the Russians enough personnel to start off with.
  8. Should have one of our subs surface in the black sea for a laugh. Oi Ivan...look. no rust.
  9. The markets will pull this back from the brink.
    Even the Russians cannot sustain major loses in their asset values and survive without consequence. If the soviet economy suffers enough which it has already shown signs of today then he risk civil unrest at home.

    He is hoping his postering will see him given Crimia in exchange for leaving the rest of the ukraine as independant. He may well get that but at what cost. Financial penalties have brought even the most radical of regimes to the table (Iran). Different times to ww2, if the west unite in sanctions they can really really hurt them long term.

    It won't be without pain for us but more so for them.
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  10. A world war would might improve the world economies.......
  11. Always used to be the way to improve your economy. Look how many wars coincide with economic downturns. Theres too many people on the planet anyway. Of course I am exempt. :wink:
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  12. We could at least send a gunboat.That would show them we are a country to be taken seriously.:tongue:
  13. Send in a gay army. The ruskies would shit themselves and leg it.
  14. Don't forget the Navy too Tom!! Maybe not Marines or the RAF Regiment though
  15. #35 Duke of Stow, Mar 3, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2014
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  16. As 2/3 of their gas is sold outside of Russia who does that hurt more. Mild winter = big reserves in europe etc.

    Russia has had nearly $55 billion wiped off it's asset values today, when they have reserves of $460 ish it don't take many days at that sort of loss to wipe you out. Will it stop Putin, maybe not but the price is a major one for ordinary Russians long term.

    You can only rationalise the decisions he makes if you assume he is a rational person. Jury is out on that one for me.
  17. Now who's idea was it to sell off North Sea Gas and buy from Russia.........

    ........? Ah, the Government, maybe?

    That's why the UK needs bunkers...............Coal bunkers...............
  18. Already got one.

    Want an Anderson shelter but don't think that'll be much cop against a nuke. Would make a cool man cave though!
  19. Depending on where you live it will probably get flooded :tongue:
  20. fecking school kids, soon as there is a dispute people stop talking and start the threats. makes me mad.
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