Box Hill 7th July

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Bikerbabe, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. Monthly meeting is nearly upon us ..... anyone planning on being there - apart from yours-truly?!!
    Thinking positive ..... it will not rain in July....... :tongue:
  2. Should be up for this one.

    I think the Aug one will be 'off' due to some sporting event.
    P'raps we could substitute Newlands or Bury Hill instead, but can no doubt discuss nearer the time.
  3. Hi All, Hope your all well, Had a nice little ride out with 3 of my mates, they were all on jap stuff so I was a bit out numbered! we ended up at Whiteways Cafe, Bury Hill. All in all we had a nice run and managed to dodge all the showers.
    I am looking at doing the Boxhill run this weekend coming (07/07/2012) if all stays dry and I'm not put on by my kids for a Taxi service!
    If you are able to make this one perhaps you could copy and paste the list below and then post it on the forum! It would be really great to get a good turnout for the summer meet!
    So for any newbies 10.00-10.30 Rykas Cafe Car Park at the foot of Boxhill on the A24 by the Burford Bridge Hotel

    Confirmed Attendents (Pending Weather!)

    PhilB - as long as its dry, and not taxi driving kids around
  4. Bikerbabe - if dry
  5. Chris - if not incement
  6. How to add your name to the list: open up 'post quick reply' highlight current list, right click on highlighted area, select copy, then click on reply thread, then right click on reply thread then paste the list you have copied, add your name to the list then post quick reply! Fantastic!!

    Confirmed Attendents
    (Pending Weather!)

    PhilB - as long as its dry, and not taxi driving kids around
    Bikerbabe - if dry
    Chris - if not incement
  7. So we are all "Einstsein's" now - right ? !! :tongue:

  8. it took a man...

  9. i got work in afternoon might pop along for breakfast
  11. Your brave Jerry!
  12. I AM a superhero!
  13. Right ...... so that makes me ..... ????? :rolleyes::wink:
  14. If the weather bucks up then will be there.

    PhilB - as long as its dry, and not taxi driving kids around
    Bikerbabe - if dry
    Chris - if not incement
    Nothingbettertodo - if not inclement
  15. So I niticed JerryXT you did not add your name, superhero distraction.
    BTW It should have been second saturday of every month so in this case it should have been 14th but ok 7th will do :D

    PhilB - as long as its dry, and not taxi driving kids around
    Bikerbabe - if dry
    Chris - if not incement
    Nothingbettertodo - if not inclement
    Lucazade - if I feel like it as friday will be my only day off and I am going drinking (man has to relax). Weather not an issue I went to Wales (just) and back dry.
  16. Errr Wales!!!! No where near Luca
     you looking for trouble

  17. Well it is as close to Cardiff as Birmingham but it looked more "rural" ;D so a Wales (just) I mean border is what 20 miles away ..... Now you know why I got bored in Bristol if it ain't London it is rural.

  18. It maybe 20 miles away but it's not Wales !!!
    Lol yes I can
  19. At a wedding on Saturday so not this month
  20. PhilB - as long as its dry, and not taxi driving kids around
    Bikerbabe - if dry
    Chris - if not incement
    Nothingbettertodo - if not inclement
    Crystaljohn If I can find the Higgs bosun particle, funny but I had it a minute a go!
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