So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. thought it would be funny to give the wee man a fright the night which has resulted in me receiving a black eye. little shit has a good right hook developing.
  2. well I can tick the following of the 'list of things you don't want happening this week but will'

    bank account hacked
    Vodafone account hacked
    dog gets gastroenteritis
    living room carpet ruined by said dog
    HR dept for new job don't do their's so looking like can't start next Monday

    think I better go buy a lottery ticket

    weathers fantastic though - maybe I'll go for a spin , or I might leave it until tomorrow and carry on decorating :frown:
  3. sit on yer butt and do nothing, it aint gonna be your day.
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  4. I've spent the last 3 hours trying to get a fairing panel off the Blackbird, in total I've had to drill out 12 bolts:mad: Why are people such knobs? Why can't they put a dab of grease on a bolt? It ain't fucking rocket science.
  5. I wouldn't expect anything else from a 300 year old Honda.....
  6. The Guzzi's 11 years older, but I had nothing like the same trouble stripping that down. So much for Honda's legendary build quality...
  7. At least things don't shake and rattle off :wink:
  8. It's called "neglect" which is why it cost what you paid for it!
  9. So far today I am dealing with imbecilic bankers who have no experience or understanding of what goes on in the real world of business.
  10. The sidestand was loose - just like a Doocarti!
  11. Note to self; change password from "password1" :upyeah:
  12. Change it to Pa$$w0rd1 - no one will guess that :upyeah:
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  13. That is not good,and it's only tuesday.Must get better for the rest of the week.
  14. Just found out my mum had a fall Sunday evening and spent the night on the floor :(

    Chopping mushrooms for a curry now - what's the worst that could happen :eek:
  15. Full of enthusiasm today and got these 2 out of storage.Hoping to get some energy and play motorbikes soon.:upyeah: P1010080.jpg P1010081.jpg


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  16. they could be magic mushrooms and could "unchop" themselves
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  17. Hope the knife isn't too sharp.

    Sorry about your woes.

    I have an increasingly incontinent dog. She has so far not yet been incontinent on a carpet, but it's only a matter of time (even if I don't have that many carpets). But the cat has made up for this by throwing up on the rug a few days ago. For good measure, the Hound cacked on the floor. She hates feeling left out.

    You don't want to be too squeamish around here.
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  18. No, changed it to "12345"
  19. Sorry,already taken.:smile:
  20. I discovered that Ohlins also make lightbulbs - at least for the Central American market anyway... :biggrin:


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