Came across this today, Someone has spent a lot of tome tinkering in the shed on this one. Ducati 900 900ss monster streetfighter bobber chopper telelever maxton special | eBay Could be worth a punt for a winter project. A little too much steel and not enough alloy for my taste
I am a big fan of alternative front ends and admire the attempt to home fabricate a Hossack style version. I also understand that i am not up to the task of fabricating a front end myself. Its a shame the builder did not also realise that neither is he.
"as a engineer i can appreciate just how much time has been put into it" Well, as a dumb-arsed desk monkey I can see it's piece of crap!
............and start painting one end, by the time you get to the other, start all over again.........
He must have been so proud taking them pictures, pleased he didn't advertise it as a LIGHTWEIGHT special. Steve
if any body wants some info i could take a look as its about 5 miles away.............which is about the distance it looks good from (after spending some time with it, as a engineer i can appreciate just how much time has been put into it) translation ....after looking for some time i have realized what i have bought and as an engineer someone had too much time on there hands and could not afford a vyrus :biggrin:
I completely disagree with all of your comments ! This is the perfect basis for a thoroughly usable Christmas panto horse , look at the stance , its spot on. And self powered too.
I saw this last night it made me chuckle.....engine and shocks are the only things worth saving and scrap the rest,would like to no what type of engineer he is.