Anyone near Wallasey?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by steviegasgas, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. Hi, I have a favour to ask of someone who lives in or near Wallasey, I would like someone to ride past an address and report back what they find, I do not want to put too many details on here.
    Its not an ex-wife, druggie problem!!
    No danger involved!!!
  2. Sorry, nowhere near, down here on the south coast
  3. I was born and brought up in New Brighton but now near Brighton so can't help.
  4. Where? Is that in the grim north? Lol......
  5. Oi!

    It's not that far 'Oop Norf' it's out west in scouser don't stop or your wheels will be off n the stereo nicked :biggrin:
    #5 XxAnthxX, Jul 4, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2012
  6. Oh god yes, I is Oulton this weekend......
  7. I can help mate, pm me

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