Crocs are absolutely disgusting, usually worn by liberal bearded lentil types or lazy pikeys, I love mine, soooo comfy
But my personal favourite !! is........... That took me 3 mins Phil, I'm sure there may be a couple more. :tongue:
A Dunhill pipe. A Corona Old Boy lighter. Bottles of Highland Park/Glenfiddich/Glenmorangie etc. single malts. An original Rubik's cube. A Parker pen. A Filofax. A Duncan yo-yo.
Only thing I own iconic if you can call it that is a Ltd Edition WR1 Subaru impreza one of only five hundred made not as good as a 22b mind you but I like it.
Char & Ricky, I can match you're 747-400 and concorde work, and raise it with, erm, well, other flying stuff I don't want to mention for fear of losing my job. Guess I could mention the Harrier Jump Jet as they're not made any more. Do you/did you work for RR? Not that it really counts here as we don't own them but nice to know other Aerospace Engineers.
Nope. I flew back from HK on my own as a wee kid (about 7yrs old) and the 747 I was on parked next to it. The stewardess who was looking after me, took me on board to see the crew and cockpit etc. Was way cool. Ive also been in umpteen plane cockpits, VC10's 747's, TriStars, etc. (Please no references to the scene from airplane) Its a most fabulous aircraft. I havent flown in it though.