So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. WD40 :upyeah:
  2. I'm aiming for nothing short of perfection, nothing goes on the bike until its as good as it can be..
  3. I say again, it's only a Honda...
  4. Spent the day in Henry VIII wine cellar below MOD Whitehall in a business meeting. Awesome history...Only prob was having to suffer the Tube n the mega over subscribed train on the way home.... Come on First Western put more carriages on ffs
  5. learned to be more selective in who I buy my race numbers from, but fitted them anyway; that my spare WOW arent K5/6 so the discs I just bought dont fit; and that the spiggot on the fork can be simply pulled out so the spacers I bought can be used so didnt need the discs to start with
  6. after getting a good result with my internal qaulity qualifiaction (5000 word essay and 9/10 for observation) ,
    I rewarded myself by fettling my new 1200 abs, up on abba stand to toothbrush chain lube onto rusty spots, gt 87 on moving bits , levers etc, fitted large rear mudgaurd and did a few more miles (upto 200 now) ,but those dam wet sussex roads over ditchling beacon , an excuse to was it again, 2 up to bexhill at w/e.
  7. Worked and the construction industry is currently booming!
    sorted out paperwork tonight for the pick up of a new fiat 500 tomorrow. Lucky daughter me thinks :upyeah:
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  8. Tonight I am going to see The Beat!
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  9. Bloody nora! I'd forgotten about them. Quality, they were:upyeah:

  10. I'm sure they will be fantastic!!

    The only shit band I have ever seen (and it was at the Picturedrome in Holmfirth for a Xmas "do") were Wizard.

    They did 40 mins and fucked off stage with no encore. And when that arrogant cnut Roy Wood was tackled by two girls in the bar about it after the gig he just said (and I quote) "We were contracted and paid to do 40 minutes and that's what we did".

    And they didnt even play their friggin' so-called hits :mad:
  11. I forcibly evicted a band calling themselves the Sex Pistols from a local pub. Turns out they were two session musicians that once did some work with the Sex Pistols, they were proper shite:mad:
  12. Getting there, slowly but surely...

    photo 3(7).jpg

    photo 3(7).jpg
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  13. I like the tasselly bits at the back :wink:
  14. It's the tassely bits at the front I'm worried about:frown:
  15. next time you see them they will be on the handlebars. :tongue:
  16. image.jpg

    After a couple of years stuck in the garage I finally got my finger out and repaired the Zx10. Getting back on it after riding the Multi and 1150rt came as a shock, Jesus my neck and wrists. Had a couple of ours blatting around Cambridgeshire slowly getting back into it trying to convince myself that my sports bike days aren't over. Fantastic afternoon just hope that no brown envelopes drop through the letterbox in the next 14days.

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  17. Last day of freedom spent with a headache :frown:
  18. Worked and it is still manic !
    picked up the new Fiat 500 and the improvements over the 3 year old one i part exed are great :upyeah:
    got home and my good lady informs me we will be on our own this evening, should be a good start to the weekend ! :wink:
  19. I didn't even know you were getting married:eek:

    Where the fk was my invite?:mad:
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