The "travelling" community

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by timberwolf, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. apparently one council employed a person whom liaison person who introduced a representative from hmrc to them,

    unfortunately this was not very effective they moved on before hmrc could set up a repeat visit and collect monies due
  2. What key opens any lock..?

    A Pi-key of course.
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  3. A few on this thread are well and truly breaking the law.

    be careful what you write.

    don't quite get the problem with the pointing job.

    £400 for 4 guys, for an hour.

    £100an hour.

    less materials, VAT etc

    sounds about right for tradesmen.
  4. Disclaimer

    Anything I have written is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    I thang Yeow.
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  5. Try this then:

    I fecking hate the dirty, stinking, thieving gypo scum; they come into town, steal everything that isn't bolted down, smash up pubs, put the fear of god into everyone, then leave, leaving all their shit behind for someone else to clear up. Gypsies, chavs, tinkers, diddicoys, they're all the same. Take the flamethrower to every one of them, that's what I say.

    [Disclaimer: The views expressed here are the views of figaro only, and do not represent the collective views of the forum, or those of it's owners and operatives. Please direct any complaints to Figaro F Clungeworthy. Flat 1, Dilligaf Towers, Slippery Slope, London]
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  6. Oh, by the way, just found out this morning that the dirty thieving scum have nicked my mate's Triumph Daytona 955 from Wellingborough station. If you see a bright yellow Daytona with the union flag draped over the top fairing riding round Northampton, aim a flying drop-kick at the rider, cos he's a thieving pikey scumbag:mad:
  7. Fig I'm near market harborough we have 2 sites near us will keep my eyes open. Also you on the guzzi forum?
  8. Don't sit on the fence Fig, cos you'll get splinters in your arse.
  9. Moto guzzi club GB forum? Yes if so, same user name.

    Here's the bike

    AJP_3273.jpg AJP_4538.jpg


  10. Later on yesterday the Police rang my girlfriend back with the correct attitude this time, I say Police but no doubt they are civvies on the blowers. They had a few elderly residents in the area that had been ripped off by the thieving scumbags. She gave the details again etc. My mate then text me to say his wife had been alone at the farm on Thursday afternoon and had caught some gyppo's in the barns rooting around. Seriously, we are overrun with the bastards, they are everywhere around town stealing and conning etc. Whats the answer as they are running rings around the old bill wreaking havoc everywhere.

    They are basically a group of people, I cannot say race as this varies, who are born to thieve and con for a living, we all know this but we are seemingly powerless to stop them. No doubt the race card can be played but should this really be used to hide what is in essence the truth.

  11. To be honest that could apply equally to pikeys as elected politicians lol
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  12. There is no answer, and that's the problem. We are so hamstrung by laws that we cannot deal with the problem ourselves, for fear of ending up in prison ourselves. Yet the police are so understaffed and underfunded, and hamstrung by even more laws, that they can't do anything either. The pikeys run riot and all we can do is stand there and watch. All you can do is tie everything down and hope for the best.

    Sadly true.
  13. They are a group of ferrel people who see the law and the norms of property as not applying to themselves. Its sad but all my experiences of travellers have been negative. Ive never had a positive experience. There must be good there too, but does the bad element give them all a bad name? There must be some decency there.

    When I first read this I thought you wrote 'electricians'. Had me wondering what the sparkies had done to deserve this. :biggrin:
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  14. Generally, the older generation pikeys (40 plus) are okay to deal with. It's the youngsters and the younger adults that cause mayhem. If you have a problem with pikeys, go and talk to their dad, and it'll stop, guaranteed. The problem you've got is finding out who their dad is...

    My dad lived with a pikey family after he did his national service (long story), and it's fair to say that if they know you they couldn't be any nicer. A pikey smashed into my old man's car late one night pissed out of his head. He got away, and the police said it was a sure shot he wasn't insured. So my old man went to see Mr Munn, and the following day a pikey bird knocked on the door with a stack of cash in her hand. (As it turned, it was his mum's car and she was insured, so we got paid out twice).

    And my mate Big Fred was from pikey stock. But he broke away from his background and was as scornfull of them as the rest of us.
  15. i do quite a lot of work for them, always pay no prob. in some respect i am quite envious of there life style.
    would i be right in saying a lot of the Scottish gadgees as there are known up here originated after the clearances and where forced to scavenge of the shore to survive?
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  16. Bloody right I envy then. Live where they like, deal in cash only, no taxes or laws to worry about, and when it all turns to shit you just up sticks and move on. There's plenty to like about that.
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  17. All joking aside, I'm very familiar with the travelling community. I deal in cars so we cross paths quite frequently when a cheap car arrives. I actually know one particular chap quite a few years, well enough that I'd class him as a friend. He even asked to help him out financially when he was in trouble which I point blank refused. Everything was great until before Christmas when he caught me with a car worth 5 grand. I forgot the Irish golden never, ever trust a pikey. I was glad to be quit of him though. Heard afterwards every second car he clocks, and is well known for dud notes also. They look on us as soft targets is all, along with society in general. Underestimate them at your peril though
  18. Just be careful what your write folks.

    Don't want to see anyone get into trouble.

    Our traveller friends are considered to be a racial minority and as such are protected by in law as other minority groups.
  19. Will their lawyer be sending emails then?
  20. Travellers are special, in that they have a built-in extra sense.

    It's called "metal detecting"
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