The "travelling" community

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by timberwolf, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. "Traveller" seems to be some kind of standard euphemism for Gypsy or Romany, and Gypsies are undeniably a racial minority (even though there are also some "travellers" who are not ethnically Gypsies).

    It is not illegal as such to make vague stereotypical assertions about racial minority groups, just dim and rather nasty. However when it comes to inciting people to attack, kill or burn members of a racial minority group or their property - well that is indeed illegal ... in theory.

    Don't worry though, while racial abuse of Jews, Blacks, Indians etc soon attracts censure and prosecution nowadays, Gypsies still seem to be regarded as fair game. Nobody is ever prosecuted for abusing Gypsies, even though they are by far the most persecuted and vilified racial group of all. Even ethnic monitoring programmes usually cover all other categories but ignore Gypsies completely, so reported figures are scarce.

    This means you may all feel free to carry on racially abusing this group, with little risk of legal sanctions in practice.
  2. Its Irish travellers not gypsies I have issues with. Gypsies are fine. But irish travellers or pikeys, well...

    Pikey = irish traveller
  3. Sold some crushed hardcore to the local pikeys, all went well as they paid as it went, then it went and they didn't pay ! Took me for a Grand and I will never deal with them again !
    lesson learnt !
  4. All in the same boat there buddy.
  5. What about the Dids?
  6. Tinkers are Irish pikeys, pikeys are pretend gypsies. Gypsies may be a noble race, but I can't say cos I've never met one; all I meet are gypos, pikeys, tinkers, diddicoys and, back in the day, 'new age travellers' - remember them..?

    They all steal.
  7. Confront any of them with a bar of soap and they'll disappear sharpish
  8. Stealing the soap as they left...
  9. I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw their Warrior truck.
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  10. Anyhoo, Ducati seemed it fit to name a version of the Multi after some Gypos living on a hill in Bologna.

    They've called it the Pikeys Peak.
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  11. Whatever happened to Swampy?

    Reckon he is a respectable commuter with 2.4 kids now, and a mortgage ?
  12. I could have googled that myself!!
  13. no..... but he did sell him some Lucky Heather
  14. I think the notion of race with "travellers" is irrelevant. It doesn't matter a hoot to me where they come from. Would I be happy if 100 people came along and set up camp on the outskirts of my village? Too damned right I wouldn't be. Would I strongly expect my house to be burgled or at least something from my property to disappear? Yes.

    The problem with travellers is that they have a parasitic way of life which non-nomadic communities don't appreciate and why should they? They have no real stake in society through their own volition. Why should society feel it owes them anything?

    If you want to be a nomadic camel driving trader in the Sahara, fair enough. What harm are you doing? But if you want a nomadic and irresponsible lifestyle in Europe's most populous country, don't expect people to like you.
  15. They are not romanies, they are row-mar-nies

    PMSL whenever that particular 'we have rights' scroat comes on the tv
  16. gypsy
    a member of a travelling people with dark skin and hair, traditionally living by itinerant trade and fortune telling. Gypsies speak a language (Romany) that is related to Hindi and are believed to have originated in South Asia.
    synonyms: Romany, Rom, chal, chai, gitano, gitana, tzigane, Zingaro, Zigeuner, zingana, didicoi;
    a nomadic or free-spirited person.
    "why should she choose to wander the world with a penniless gypsy like me?"
    synonyms: Romany, Rom, chal, chai, gitano, gitana, tzigane, Zingaro, Zigeuner, zingana, didicoi;

    under point 2 I reckon I'm a are most bikers. So can i abuse my own kind, like the black rappers do?
  17. I think you hear people say "we have rights" about 1'000 times more than you hear people say "we have obligations".
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  18. just a bit misunderstood. like anybody else they have there ways. if they shout you shout back, if they push you push back. think they respect that.
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