British Summer

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carbon749, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Tomorrow!
  2. Nope.

    Spring - March April May
    Summer - June July August
    Autumn - September October November
    Winter - December January February

    It is the longest day in a few days time though, which is why the nights will be drawing in.
  3. one tank of fuel later and I'm back few clouds no rain roads are relatively quiet. still can't see what the problem is:rolleyes:
  4. I lived in Maine, USA(east coast, just under Canada for a while with the Ex...

    I was quizzed about the weather in England - what was it like?

    "Ah yes..."

    "We have two seasons - a cold Winter and a warm Winter.":biggrin:
  5. Sorry I'm a few days in front of myself!!

    Midsummer's Day, the middle of summer, falls on on 24 June, after the longest day (Summer Solstice). Before the change of calendars, Midsummer's day fell on 5 July.

    Midsummer day simply refers to the period of time centered upon the summer solstice, but more often refers to specific European celebrations that accompany the actual solstice, or that take place on a day between June 21 and June 24, and the preceding evening. The exact dates vary between different cultures. Midsummer is especially important in the cultures of Scandinavia, Estonia and Latvia where it is the most celebrated holiday apart from Christmas.

    I'm sure I heard on the radio that the summer solstice is tomorrow evening JUNE 20th 2012 23:09 GMT tho
    #25 XxAnthxX, Jun 19, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2012

  6. I used to live in Minnesota.
    Someone asked me "Is it true it always rains in England"

    I said " snows too".
  7. Well we've just had a huge rain/hailstorm with hailstones the size of golf balls, wooden garden table broken, holes in plastic chairs, dents in my (new) garage roller shutter plus the Wife was out in the car at the time and it is practically ruined; all panels dented, particularly the roof and the windscreen broken, wouldn't be surprised if it is a write-off. :frown:

    On the plus side it is warm...
  8. Now did the wife tell you about this "storm" or has simply backed the car in to the garage door...? :biggrin:

    In al seriousness, that sounds apocalyptic! :eek:
  9. Now that I've had chance to look in detail, the car roof has around 50 or so big dents, bonnet is similar, some of the side panels are also dented, rear wiper's broken off and the windscreen is broken - car looks like it's been in a war zone or parked on a driving range.

    The hailstones even broke a wooden garden table (teak slats), made holes in plastic patio chairs, cracked one of my wheelie bins, trashed my roller door, the back garden is full of holes and there are leaves and small branches everywhere.

    We have a walled, sunken patio that flooded (never done before in 22 years) deep enough to almost come through the door but did come through the airbricks under the suspended wooden floor in the living room but I reckon that should dry out OK.

    On the plus side the moss-balls on my house roof have been washed off...
  10. Check the house guttering as well......many years ago, we had one of those freak hailstorms and every single gutter on my ex-father-in-law's large bungalow was looked like someone had gone round them with a ball-pene hammer......

    .........quick! before the assessor gets there....

  11. Already done that as all the 'moss-balls' from the roof blocked the gutters and they were overflowing which cause a flood inside the front door due to all the water running down it (it's an old door) so I cleared them all once the rain had stopped.

    Reckon the Wife's car could be a write-off due to all the dents...
  12. Wow it sounds like you have had a terrible day, your wife must have been terrified in the car, we have had beautiful sunshine all day here on the south coast.
  13. What's really (not) funny is, it's July now and the weather is still crap!
  14. So who's going to SORN their bike for the summer?
    • Like Like x 2
  15. Anyone remember this?


    I think we`ll have a late summer and it`ll be xmas dinner outside on the barbecue. That, or all this bad weather really is the beginning of the end, torrential rain, hailstones, flash floods....... The Day After Tomorrow anyone?

    I wouldn`t be surprised if that most majestic of creatures,the sexy babe in a bikini, isn`t already on the endangered species list. You can still find pictures of them on the internet but when was the last time you saw one, up close and in the flesh?

    Anyway, that`s enough doom mongering, for now. :wink: :biggrin:.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. But at least the rain is getting warmer
  17. Aaargh WTF is that?

    The Bikini clad creature you describe has long been my garden anyway. I'll check over the fence see how it is next door. :eek: Just to clarify the situation for the benefit of forum members of course! :rolleyes:
  18. Is the mid - long term forecast any better?
    For both sun and bikinis...?
  19. Who knows with the sun, how something so big and bright can hide for so long I do not know :frown:.

    However, if your really, really lucky, nearer to Christmas you may spot one of these rare creatures


    Unfortunately, with the weather we`re having, all these exotic lovelies have disappeared, having been replaced by the now all to common woolly vest and tights variety :wink:.
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