Iconic Things you own.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by peter james, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. I'm pleased I started this topic , this could become Ducati Forums most Iconic Thread. :biggrin: titter titter.

    Anyhow back to them wranglers ,wasn't snake pattern its some sort of squiggley shape. Surely a 70's iconic bit of footwear.
  2. The windows PDA kicked this form factor off, anyone remember hp ipaq.
    I had smartphones with sat nav and music long before apple released the iphone.
    I had a mitac mio, varios palm devices, xda exec, xda orbit 1.

    The apple devices just took it to the next level with a high res screen and ease of use and centralised apps and music store which coincided with faster web speeds.

    Id say that is highly desireable, not iconic.
    Everyone copies it just like everyone copies pringles
  3. If you type 'iconic' into google you get a whole bunch of different interpretations, but every one of them relate to style/look/image. Nothing at all to do with exclusivity or price or performance. So the Subaru's definitely out, sorry noob...

    So looking at iconic things, the one thing that sticks out for me is the Eames chair or the ball chair that are always referred to as iconic, and I genuinely can't think of anything else. If left to me I'd say the Beetle and 2CV are definitely iconic, 900SS and Le Mans mk1, DBD32 Gold Star, Fender (calm down Phill...), Raleigh Chopper, Spacehopper, Fantic Chopper, and the little black dress. Especially the little black dress...
  4. And don't forget the original Italian 2 wheeled Icon:
    And must also add:
    The Spitfire
    VW Caravanette

    But Fantic chopper or FS1E, I can't call that one.

  5. Yep, Vespa. Posh people will say Lambretta cos they're worth something, but the Vespa is the icon.
  6. Agreed, I had a Rally 200. I wish I had never sold that scooter. I have a GTS300 to commute on now and it's certainly very reliable and capable, but no icon. :frown: There's so much snobbery in the Lambretta world. If it's not Italian, then you're a pariah.


  7. I thought you said they had stopped paying you to promote brands of whisky.
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  8. In the 60's I had a Lambretta GT200 which I had taken out to 225cc.A colleague at work had a Vespa GS.We were always niggling each other at which was the better machine.Both in there own way pretty special and very much part of the 60's culture.:wink:
  9. Hmm, Iconic. Or style over function.

    Is a 916 any more iconic than a Gixxer thou, or just more stylish?

    Is a Michell Gyrodec more iconic than a Roksan Xerxes?

    Personally, I think yes to the former and no to the latter, but it's all subjective.

    Whatever yanks your crank I say.
  10. Iconic is style over everything.
  11. Who's got a Harrington jacket? I saw loads last night at The Beat gig. Hadn't seen one for years before that.
  12. No, but a Michell Orbe certainly is.
  13. I had a Crombie....does that count?

    Because if that does, so do flared jeans and platform boots................Had them as well...........
  14. I think I have these now..................got them in a Charity Shop in Newcastle Upon Tyne about two years ago......only one owner.
  15. If they had skiddys they were my old ones
  16. That's why I bought them...........:eek:
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  17. For all those iphone icon thinkers


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  18. I can't help it. Once a marketeer, always a marketeer.

    But seeing as I have the floor, a couple of things you might not know:

    The Johnnie Walker bottle and slanted label was one of the first things to be trademarked. 1874 I think it was.

    The square bottle was invented to be more efficient for packing as the stuff was shipped to all corners of the Empire.

    Black Label was the original, with Red Label a slightly dumbed down version for mixing. So contrary to popular belief, Black Label is not a tweaked Red Label, Red Label is Black Label minus.

    And Black Label really is the most awarded whisky in the world and is a bloody good drink (even if I did spend years marketing malts).
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  19. Ive got a.....
    VW Beetle
    Abarth 500
    bottle of Jack Daniels
    Omega Seamaster
    Fender Telecaster
    1985 Skyway BMX
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