Barton Bike Night

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by XxAnthxX, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. Anyone from Humberside or North Lincs heading for Barton Bike Night tonight......its definately wet gear and an umbrella I'm keeps absolutely P*ssing down every 10 mins, between the sun shine. :rolleyes:
  2. I`m nights tonight but if the forecast was better I would have gone for an hour or so. Don`t fancy getting wet then having to go to work.

    The trials display is done by one of the clubs I ride with.
  3. Used to enjoy Barton but I rarely ride on Wednesdays anymore, too many cops n nobbers about.
  4. Those classic trials riders are the dogs!
  5. Didn`t realise you were going.

    As long as the health and safety bollox didn`t rear its ugly head I might have been able to blag you a go on the trials course if I`d known.
  6. Yeah I've managed to make it every year for about the last six, either on the bike or on the drink.

    Those guys haven't had the word gravity explained to them.
  7. I do normally go to this one as it's only 45ish from where I live but have to work, would have been good to meet up, maybe next year then?
  8. Next year at the latest it is then!
  9. Bugr - missed this thread, went over and somehow managed to dodge all the rain and the sun actually made an appearance! Spotted a couple of monsters, SS's and another multi but that was about it.
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