Iconic Things you own.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by peter james, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Picture of the Abarth 500 please.
  2. What did you expect in a thread called "Iconic things you own"?
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  3. You suggest that low Volume = Iconic.

    Could be,but not always.
  4. a bottle of 12 year old bushmills malt whiskey,only available at the bush distillery and sitting unopened above my rayburn for about 12 years.

    #225 idrinkbeer, Mar 9, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2014
  5. I would say that something that is only available in one place to a very limited amount of people cannot be an icon. It surely has to be something that is recognised, if not by a majority, at least by a very large amount of people has having a certain social status or role.

    My previous employers are also the owners of Bushmills, so it's not as if I have anything against the brand. It could of course be iconic in NI. Probably is, even.
  6. I was going to nominate the wife, when I realised that the thread said " Iconic ", not " Ironic",,
  7. Just Google the word 'iconic' and you'll see how wrong some people are getting it. It certainly has nothing to do with exclusivity or price. It seems a few people have posted on this thread just to show how flash they are, which totally missing the point.
  8. Was my point exactly
  9. [​IMG]

    :) :) what about ;) ;)
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  10. to us in the building trade , or the keen DIY'er .... a yankee screwdriver . A must before the arrival of decent battery drivers.
    Iconic to us surely.
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  11. iv been to that distillery.
  12. Special bottles of booze???

    This is a special bottle of booze..........

    Cognac it was, believed to be Ricard

    #233 Ghost Rider, Mar 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2014
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  13. I have one of these [Harry Bertoia Diamond Chair]...does it count?

    (I found it in a pile of "rubbish" that they were chucking out from the old BAC Concorde Design Office when I worked there in the 1980's)

    #234 RickyX, Mar 10, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
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  14. bollox then I don't have anything iconic....grr
  15. I bet you do.

    HP sauce?
    Heinz tomato ketchup (esp in the original, completely impractical narrow-necked, tall bottle)
  16. Kouros very iconic, drives the ladies wild.
  17. I have to admit that I still own some Kouros and if it's an Iconic object then so is Denim & Old Spice.

    Drives ladies wild? Certainly good at keeping Mosquitos off you :biggrin:
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