Was fitting my battery back into my 848 this afternoon and wondered what this rubber thing was for and whether I put it back in the right place?!
Thank you both for your replies. I couldn't lift the battery high enough to slot it under.... So I just left it off. This should be ok shouldn't it? Did a 100 miles on Sunday with no problems.... Having said that I haven't check it since then as taking the fairing off etc is a ball ache!
Its there to stop the battery moving about. Im sure Ducati put it there for a reason. Next time you strip the bike down for a clean, I'd pop it back on. If youre unlucky, you'll end up damaging the connectors
Just tried to put this 'rubber battery holder' under the battery but the '-' black wire isn't long enough with means I can't get the battery high enough to slip the cover under . . . Would it be ok on the top? (over the battery connections)
The rubber is partly to absorb vibration which can damage the battery. No reason why you can't not put it there other than you may have issues with the batt at some point. Not really a direct comparison but i just replaced the batt on my Kubota mini tractor and they said the old one died because the rubber mat it should sit on was missing and the vibes damaged the plates.
Ok thanks guys. I'll just be a bit more forceful with it. Not the most technical of people as you can more then likely tell..... Wish me luck!!