I treated my self to some evotech folding levers the other day, is this an easy DIY fit or something I should entrust to a specialist and pay to get done. I'm not Mr Mechanic but like to try and do stuff myself, I can change fairings etc. but not done anything more complicated than that on the 848 ? So anyone done a guide or can help me through this ? Thanks
If the Evotech are similar to the ASV it's a straight forward job. Hex driver and open/ring spanner to remove the pivot bolt and then swap the lever over. Points to watch will be the brake light micro switch which will be the lever with the blade at the end and the clutch micro switch for the side stand which is the lever with the pin. Oh yes, don't overtighten the pivot bolt and a LITTLE smear of chain lube or grease wouldn't go amiss. Andy
Piece of piss. No clutch cable to worry about either. 5 minute job and a sense of satisfaction to boot. Pics when you're done!
Going to get a beer on in a bit and go out to the garage and do these in a bit, well that's the plan. Thanks for the advice, there is a few vids on you tube as well so hope it goes smoothly.
You're absolutely right that's why I had a Gin and Tonic first just to make sure the beer didn't unsteady my hand.
Ok never got round to it in the end last night, probably for the best ! So sober as a judge I got it done this p.m, a little fiddly but all went fine and here's the evidence ! Thanks for the advice.