It appears that the guy is a very volatile person and it looks like an accident/incident involving him and his gun was quite likely to happen.Lots of things in this case do not make sense.If I thought there was an intruder locked in my bathroom I would probably flee the house and call the police.Would things be different if I had a gun available?
even if they were, would you unload a mag into a closed door with no idea of who or what was behind it? Maybe his obsession got to the point he wanted t know what it was like to kill (if he hasn't already) and that blood lust overcame sensibility of checking before shooting. In which case, ironically, in this case he's innocent.
He could well be innocent.If he reacted as you described I would want him locked up for the safety of himself and others.
Apparently when people crack up they sometimes think they are Napoleon Bonaparte or Sir Francis Drake. Pistorius thinks he's Parker out of Thunderbirds
I would lock him up for life, just for all the whining and wingeing he does. I have had to stop watching/listening to the news because I can't stand the sound of him.
Yes. In a moment of life versus death, which he claims to have felt he was in, you don't give the opposition any chance at all to win. You win as quickly, efficiently and as powerfully as you can. This applies to any threat situation regardless of what you are armed with, if anything. Also, you live in a country where you may not kill in response to home invasion, nor own a firearm for self-defence so you are already pre-disposed to not think in the same manner as he may have been thinking. If I had been in his situation I don't think I would have fired but I can understand why he felt like he should or feels like he can claim that he should have.
Every time they quiz him with something that makes him look guilty or he can't answer or doesn't add up he starts crying or the sick bucket comes out. He's playing it right up ... I still have a feeling he's going to walk free .... Do I think he's guilty ? After listening to him for a few hours ... Yes . But I could be wrong .
I read on the Beeb website today (haven't been following the trial that closely) that not only did he go everywhere with a pistol, but it was cocked half the time. How dangerous is that? He clearly had a somewhat casual approach to firearms so was bound to use it sooner or later. I can't make up my mind if he is overcome with remorse, or just highly manipulative. Fortunately, I don't have to.
Its not dangerous to carry a cocked weapon all the time. I shall explain incase you are not familiar with guns as I am aware many people are not. A Pistol with no magazine and no rounds is the safest way to carry a weapon. It is also the most useless at that moment when you might need to use it.One could argue that the whole point of a civilian carrying a personal weapon is that they may need to use it at short notice. It would be pointless if it wasn't good to go at that time. A Pistol will also be fitted with some form of fire prevention device so that it may be carried with a magazine fitted and with a round in the chamber, i.e. it is ready to fire without having to pull back the top slide to feed in a round. Glocks have no safety but a special trigger that prevents unintended firing, Sig Sauers have a de-cocking lever and require 9lbs of trigger pressure to pull the hammer back and fire the first round and 2lbs trigger pressure thereafter. Weapons such as the Browning 9mm, the 1911 and many others have a specific safety catch that prevents the weapon from firing without actively disengaging the safety catch. So carrying a pistol loaded and cocked at all times is completely normal. I have spent many months of my life carry weapons in this state and haven't shot anyone by accident. I have even had need to carry a weapon with the safety catch disengaged and managed to only fire rounds when I intended to. Weapons only fire when triggers are pulled and a weapon without a round in the chamber is a paperweight.
a good mate of mine from SA carryd a gun out there, it seams to be a right of passage where he is from (farm stock) the story's he would tell me. crazy part of the world. not unusual for him self, brother and father out rounding up rustlers in the middle of the night since he was 16 hard man from a hard place.
the pistorius trial has seen reeva steekamp's valentine's card to oscar, which may explain the subsequent misunderstanding. you train so hard you're never a quitter so as a treat you can bang me in the shitter.
She was trying to get away from him , he was already well into a temper tantrum , and the door being shut and locked in his face ( how dare she flee for her life ) was to much for him, and Id say she was screaming because she knew what was coming next
There was a guy in NZ ( Dave will probly remember this ) who heard that there were a bunch of baddies were coming round to his home to beat him up ( he was no angel ) he rang the cops , named the guys the cops refused to do anything , so this guy gets a rifle ( may have already had it ) and cowers in his home , when the baddies got there and broke in and went for him he shot one.................they still did him for murder ,I felt sorry for the guy , he tried to do the right thing but no one wanted to know, when he is forced to defend himself from what was undoubtedly going to be a severe beating they charge him with murder WTF !