Ducati Forum V2.0

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. So I guess we're all going to go back to being Newbies , after all the time and effort I've put into my technical knowledge , :biggrin: hey I could make a new start and become an obnoxious troller , or be a Sir Serious . Or post as my alter ego transvestite self Petra Janie . :upyeah:
  2. will it make the pain go away?
  3. +1 for retina :upyeah:
  4. don't tell the natives


  5. If you really want to change your name Pete, I can do that already :smile:
  6. It's going to polarise people :)



  7. Theyre already so polarised on here, you need a fucking magnet to sort them out.
  8. So no SFQ place either then….
  9. I've got a bad feeling about this.
  10. No going back now :)
  11. You'll never take me alive ,never.
  12. Sounds good...posting photos is always a pain but this site is the best I've used for that. If its better then that's good...brilliant in fact.
  13. So Matt - has Peter changed his name - is it now Petra?
  14. Alright sweetheart :wink:
  15. :tongue::tongue:
  16. Never mind doing this :tongue: Change his name to Petra :wink:
  17. Is this update why I can't see recently posted pictures? :frown:
  18. I was wondering why I couldn't see pics too but thought it might have been cos I'm out of the country - but there again so are you :wink:
  19. Are we updated yet .
    i had seen glitchy issues yesterday , but that could just be women's problems :0
    Regards Petra
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